Herbert Worthington Griswold, 1882-1956

Herbert Worthington Griswold  was born some time in 1882.

he died Monday, July 2, 1956. his recorded age was 74.

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news item

Firemen Meet

Worthington News
Thursday, September 15, 1927
news item

Appreciates assistance

Worthington News
Herbert Worthington Griswold, 1882-1956 (Author)
Thursday, March 15, 1928
news item


Worthington News
Herbert Worthington Griswold, 1882-1956 (Author)
Thursday, July 25, 1929
news item

Trustees Grateful

Worthington News
William Stierhoff (Author)
E. C. (Author)
Herbert Worthington Griswold, 1882-1956 (Author)
Thursday, January 8, 1931
news item

Card of Thanks

Worthington News
Herbert Worthington Griswold, 1882-1956 (Author)
Thursday, November 23, 1939