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The Oracle 22 is text, with genre yearbook. Its dimensions are 8 in. x 11 in.. It is 66 pages long.
It was created in 1922.
Worthington High School is the Creator. Worthington Libraries is the Contributor.
This Worthington High School yearbook contains portraits of students and faculty for the year 1922, in addition to photographs of extracurricular activities, the year's athletic teams, and summaries of the sports season. This yearbook also features a number of infant photographs of students, poetry, creative writings, and an "Alumni Department" section which provides details of post-graduate professional activities of alumni from the classes of 1880 to 1921. Several local business advertisements also appear in the yearbook.
It covers the topics teachers, students and advertising.
It features the people Frank (Dick) Richard Colburn, 1903-1989, Vance M. Smith, 1892-1965, Mary L. Oberlin, Arthur Chester Kennedy, 1889-1966, Carrie Wright, 1859-1938, Katherine Mary Mumma (née Fuller), 1902-1974, Hazel Henderson (née Beaver), 1904-1980, Mary Neibor (née Jewett), 1902-1967, Walter Randolph Beard, 1903-1978, Gladys M. Michael, 1903-1987, Helen B. Robinson, 1883-1980, Phillip Lang, 1903-1974, Margaret Heasley (née Mellott), 1904-1955, Arthur E. Davis, 1905-1963, Courtland Smiley, 1904-?, Harold R. Porter, 1904-1981, Harold Wing Gilbert, 1903-1955, Mary A. Jamison (née Leeth), 1904-1974, Herbert Joseph Conkle, 1905-1965, Almira Marguerite Gordon (née Wagner), 1905-?, Olive C. Loader (née Bass), 1903-1993 and Agnes M. Merwine (née Grace), 1905-1988.
It features the organization Thomas Worthington High School.
It covers the city Worthington.
You can find the original at Worthington Libraries.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg2000.
The Worthington Memory identification code is wpl0072_001.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on February 26, 2004. It was last updated March 6, 2025.