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Gladiator Newspaper from April 26th, 1888 from the collections of the Worthington Historical Society (WHS) may be used for educational purposes as long as it is not altered in any way and proper credit is given: "Courtesy of the Worthington Historical Society, Worthington, OH." Prior written permission of the WHS is required for any other use of Gladiator Newspaper from April 26th, 1888. Contact WHS at to request permission.
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The Gladiator Newspaper from April 26th, 1888 is text, with genre newspaper. Its dimensions are 15.25 in. x 11 in.. It is 4 pages long.
It was created on Thursday, April 26, 1888.
Worthington Historical Society is the Contributor. Ezekiel Mettles, 1833-1914 is the Publisher.
"The Gladiator" was a newspaper published in Worthington from 1887 to 1888 by Ezekiel Mettles. The office for the Gladiator was located in the Goodrich Block on the southwest corner of Main (High) Street and the Public Square. This issue from April 26, 1888 includes a local news column and advertisements from local businesses. A notice about a Sharon Township liquor sales option being voted down and a "hotly contested" school board election appear on page three.
It covers the topic local government.
It features the person Worthington Franklin Griswold, 1842-1912.
It covers the city Worthington. It covers the area Old Worthington.
You can find the original at Worthington Historical Society.
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The Worthington Historical Society identification code is 2014.004.19.
The Worthington Memory identification code is whs1117.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on September 22, 2020.