Photograph of John Snouffer Playing for Worthington High School Basketball Team, 1970


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Photograph of John Snouffer Playing for Worthington High School Basketball Team, 1970 is a picture, with genre photograph.

It was created in March 1970.

John Irving Snouffer, 1952- is the Contributor.

This black-and-white photograph shows a Worthington High School Cardinals basketball game in action in March, 1970. Guard John I. Snouffer (player 21) and a player from Linden-McKinley High School both reach for the ball; behind them another Linden-McKinley and WHS player, Brad Forward (#51) can be seen. The Cardinals defeated Linden-McKinley in the Central District Tournament at the Fairgrounds Coliseum, before a packed house, on a last-second shot by senior co-captain Forward.

The 1970 Cardinal yearbook describes the game: "Although the Cards nicked Linden-McKinley 64-62 by last minute fortune, they displayed great dexterity and virtuosity throughout their first tournament game." Under the coaching of Pat Mannion, the team achieved a 17-3 record for the season. Brad Forward led the team with a total of 284 points scored, and John Snouffer held a close second with a total of 260 points. The team captured the Ohio Capital Conference League title.

It covers the topics school sports, students and basketball.

It features the people Bradden (Brad) F. Forward and John Irving Snouffer, 1952-.

It features the organization Worthington High School.

It covers the city Worthington.

The original is in a private collection.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.

The Worthington Memory identification code is wcd0764.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on August 30, 2024. It was last updated September 17, 2024.