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Photograph of Drug Store Interior in Worthington from the collections of the Worthington Historical Society (WHS) may be used for educational purposes as long as it is not altered in any way and proper credit is given: "Courtesy of the Worthington Historical Society, Worthington, OH." Prior written permission of the WHS is required for any other use of Photograph of Drug Store Interior in Worthington. Contact WHS at to request permission.
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Photograph of Drug Store Interior in Worthington is a picture, with genre photograph and portraits. Its dimensions are 3 in. x 5.125 in..
It was created around 1894-1920.
Worthington Historical Society is the Contributor.
This photograph shows the interior of a drug store located in Worthington, Ohio. While the photograph from the Worthington Historical Society's collection came without any identification information, it appears the gentleman pictured is Harry Leasure, a druggist. Harry Leasure came to Worthington in 1894, and operated a drug store in the building owned by the Snow family at the corner of High Street and New England Avenue until about 1908. The drugstore was downstairs and the Leasures lived upstairs, paying $10 a month in rent. It was noted that Leasure got rent for half price the month his son Lawrence was born in 1896. He eventually moved his drugstore to a number of other locations including on the east side of High Street near the Village Green, the Jones Building on the west side of High and last a storefront in the middle of the block on the west side of High.
It covers the topics retail stores and doctors and medicine.
It features the person Harry Leasure, 1869-1939.
It covers the city Worthington. It covers the area Old Worthington.
You can find the original at Worthington Historical Society.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Historical Society identification code is 92-G-343b.
The Worthington Memory identification code is whs1245.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on August 20, 2021. It was last updated August 21, 2021.