news item Docts. Hills & Case Western Intelligencer (Worthington) James H. Hills (Author) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Wednesday, January 15, 1812
news item Docts. Hills & Case Western Intelligencer (Worthington) James H. Hills (Author) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Wednesday, January 22, 1812
news item Docts. Hills & Case Western Intelligencer (Worthington) James H. Hills (Author) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Friday, January 31, 1812
news item Docts. Hills & Case Western Intelligencer (Worthington) James H. Hills (Author) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Friday, February 7, 1812
news item Fish for sale Western Intelligencer (Worthington) John Hoffman (Author) Friday, July 17, 1812
news item Look this Way!! Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Calvin H. Case, 1789-1819 (Author) Friday, July 17, 1812
news item Articles of association of the Worthington Manufacturing Company Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Wednesday, January 13, 1813
news item Business firm makes change: Vollmer Grocery now to operate by Home Concern--Harry Leasure New Owner Worthington News Thursday, June 18, 1925
news item Reasor Confectionery re-opened: P. H. Green new proprietor Worthington News Thursday, February 25, 1926
news item C. H. Seeger & Co. Dry Goods Store rounding out nearly quarter century in business Worthington News Thursday, March 18, 1926
news item Snouffer Furniture Shoppe makes improvement. Additional room added, and store remodeled. Worthington News Thursday, June 10, 1926
news item Local grocery firm makes excellent sales record Worthington News Thursday, September 2, 1926
news item A. L. Johnson Property Improved by New Cement Sidewalk Worthington News Thursday, October 14, 1926
news item Leasure's Drug Store Now Conducting Rexall One Cent Sale Worthington News Thursday, October 28, 1926
news item Frances Willard Candy Co. Opens New Store Here Worthington News Thursday, December 16, 1926
news item Hardy Dry Goods Co. Now Located In New Quarters Worthington News Thursday, February 17, 1927
news item Observing Seventh Anniversary of Opening of Store Worthington News Thursday, November 17, 1927
news item Accepts Position At A. L. Johnson's Hardware Store Worthington News Thursday, December 15, 1927
news item Z. A. Yeram Moves Business To Jones Building During Holidays Worthington News Thursday, December 15, 1927
news item Z. A. Yeram to hold formal opening of gift and oriental rug shop. Worthington News Thursday, January 26, 1928
news item Over 1000 present at formal opening of local store: drawing held in evening, ticket No. 663 unclaimed Worthington News Thursday, February 2, 1928
news item Groce electric shop to move to new location: change made necessary by increasing business Worthington News Thursday, February 9, 1928
news item Bits O'Business: Flagg's shoe store to move to new location Worthington News Thursday, April 26, 1928
news item Shoemaker Grocery joins Red and White chain organization Worthington News Thursday, September 20, 1928
news item The Worthington Hardware moving to new location Worthington News Thursday, November 22, 1928
news item New A & P store to locate here: Main Street of village taking on metropolitan air Worthington News Thursday, December 13, 1928
news item Dolls awarded to winners Christmas morning: Dorothy W. Simmons scores highest number of votes in contest at Leasure's Drug Store Worthington News Thursday, December 27, 1928
news item E. E. Brobst to move to new location: engaged in business at North Columbus for over forty years Worthington News Thursday, February 21, 1929
news item Henry's Confectionery and Compton Barber Shop move to new locations Worthington News Thursday, March 7, 1929