"Dublin community calendar" was published on Thursday, March 7, 1940 in Worthington News, page 8.
It covers the location Dublin .
It features the people Frederick (Whitey) L. Snouffer, 1918-1989, Daniel (DK) Kinsey Nicola, 1874-1947, Edgar (Ed) A. Leppert, 1913-1983, Glenn (Squint) L. Kessler, 1885-1947, Ruby McCray (née Thompson), 1902-1994, John W. Bricker, 1893-1986, Zona Gail Everett (née Snouffer), 1921-1971, Newton J. Dominy, 1872-1959, Louis Walter Weber, 1887-1966 and Leslie Keyser.
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Available online via Ohio Memory's Worthington News Collection.
Available at Worthington Libraries on microfilm roll number Contact library staff for more information.