news item Dublin to celebrate: Road opening and home coming to be held there Saturday, Aug. 22nd Worthington News Thursday, August 20, 1925
news item More information about the ancient mound near Dublin Worthington News Thursday, January 14, 1926
news item Friends help celebrate 90th anniversary of Aunt Lida Wright Worthington News Thursday, March 11, 1926
news item Passes 86th milestone honored with birthday dinner Worthington News Thursday, April 1, 1926
news item Monument dedicated as memorial to deceased members of Dublin Band, at Memorial exercises held at Dublin Sunday Worthington News Thursday, June 3, 1926
news item Dublin man seriously injured in grade crossing accident Worthington News Thursday, August 5, 1926
news item H.O Buzzaird tells of experiences in Florida Storm Worthington News Thursday, September 30, 1926
news item Dublin Woman Suffers Burns When Kerosene Can Explores Worthington News Thursday, January 20, 1927
news item Announces Marriage of Daughter Worthington News Frank Eugene Archer, Sr., 1882-1977 (Author) Thursday, August 25, 1927
news item Funeral rites for Mrs. Johnson held Wednesday at Dublin church Worthington News Thursday, March 1, 1928
news item Supt. Diley heads new troop of Boy Scouts at Dublin Worthington News Thursday, April 19, 1928
news item D. C. Jones sells stone quarries at Dublin: John M. Snouffer, and L. L. Snouffer new owners Worthington News Thursday, April 19, 1928
news item Dublin alumni elect officers: George Wing named president Worthington News Thursday, May 3, 1928
news item Charles O. Geese purchases valuable Dublin property: buys general store of S. E. Davis: deal made through Leppert Realty Company Worthington News Thursday, August 30, 1928
news item Frank Leppert succumbs to heart trouble: had resided near Dublin during entire life Worthington News Thursday, September 13, 1928
news item Dublin High School students enter subscription contest for "The Worthington News" Worthington News Thursday, September 27, 1928
news item The Story of Dublin Worthington News Rev. Washington Gladden (Author) Thursday, January 31, 1929
news item Dublin honors 50 yr. old band: 300 in attendance at banquet and music festival Worthington News Thursday, March 14, 1929
news item Dublin Gun Club holds annual shoot: Springfield man makes high record Worthington News Thursday, March 21, 1929
news item Dublin alumni hold banquet: three hundred present at 25th annual event Worthington News Thursday, May 30, 1929
news item Harry C. Davis dies in California: was veteran of Civil War and formerly lived in Dublin Worthington News Thursday, July 25, 1929
news item S. I. Case buys Dublin Home: deal made through Leppert Realty Co. Worthington News Thursday, August 1, 1929
news item Dublin ready for town band celebration: Governor Cooper to make address Worthington News Thursday, August 8, 1929
news item Fiftieth birthday of Dublin cornet band celebrated Worthington News Thursday, August 22, 1929
news item Dublin ready for Farmers' Institute to be held Jan. 22, 23: Talks, music and discussions on program; Dean Alfred Vivian to speak Worthington News Thursday, January 16, 1930
news item Charles Thomas to head Dublin Boy's Band: Arrangements made for fourth birthday party Worthington News Thursday, January 16, 1930
news item Davis speaks at Dublin band meeting: Plans made for 1930 activities; Committees named Worthington News Thursday, January 30, 1930
news item Farmers attend fertilizer school; Hear talk by J. A. Slipher Worthington News Thursday, February 27, 1930
news item Many problems to be discussed at C. of C.; Fire protection and telephone service on list; Brice Keating mgr. of Bell Telephone Co., to be present Worthington News Thursday, March 6, 1930
news item Dublin honors boy's band: Feted with banquet on fourth birthday anniversary Worthington News Thursday, March 13, 1930
news item Chickens Stolen at Harry Freck Home; Reward Offered Worthington News Thursday, July 17, 1930
news item The Optimist Worthington News Heman (Jack) Doy Eckert, 1885-1958 (Author) Thursday, July 24, 1930
news item Reuben Thomas Succumbs At White Cross Hospital Worthington News Thursday, November 20, 1930
news item J. & L. Snouffer Of Dublin Awarded Contract For Widening River Road Worthington News Thursday, July 16, 1931
news item Wilbur Pinney Dies at Home in Dublin at Age of Eighty-Three Worthington News Thursday, October 15, 1931
news item Mother of Albert and Wm. Sharp Fatally Injured in Auto Accident Worthington News Thursday, October 22, 1931
news item Ben Delewese, Dublin Barbecue Proprietor A Genial Host Worthington News Thursday, December 17, 1931