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26801 - 26900 of 28120 people | page 269 of 282
Name Lifespan Mentions
White, Marvin E. 2 mentions
White, Mary E. 1 mention
White, Minnie E. 1884-1963 1 mention
White, Patricia (née Price) 1930-2020 1 mention
White, Patricia Armstrong 6 mentions
White, Patrick 11 mentions
White, Phil 1 mention
White, Ralph 1933-1988 1 mention
White, Robert 1 mention
White, Robert Challan Parsons ?-1975 1 mention
White, Rocky J. 1936-2014 1 mention
White, Sara 1 mention
White, Shirley M. (née Keleshian) 1932-2022 1 mention
White, Stephanie 15 mentions
White, Thomas W., Jr. ?-1982 1 mention
White, Trevor 2 mentions
White, Tyler 1 mention
White, Willard H. ?-1974 1 mention
White, William A. 1952-2017 1 mention
White, William E. 1854-1926 1 mention
White, Willie W. 1849-1916 1 mention
White-Scott, Natalie 1 mention
Whited, Daniel 38 mentions
Whited, P. Henry 1892-1953 1 mention
Whitehead, Bob 1 mention
Whitehead, Donald W. 1 mention
Whitehead, Patt 1 mention
Whitehead, William A. ?-1987 1 mention
Whitelaw, Ruth E. ?-1982 1 mention
Whiteleather, Marilyn (née Beavers) 1933-2022 1 mention
Whiteley, Hannah 1 mention
Whiteman, Robert 2 mentions
Whitesel, Kate 5 mentions
Whitfield infant 1984-1984 1 mention
Whiting, Ellen Hart (née Gilbert) 4 mentions
Whitlach, AJ 1 mention
Whitlach, Lori 1 mention
Whitley, William 1 mention
Whitlock, Marta 1 mention
Whitlock, Scott 2 mentions
Whitman, Abigail 1 mention
Whitman, Katie 2 mentions
Whitman, Lester ?-1940 1 mention
Whitman, Neil 1 mention
Whitney, Donald Ransom 1915-2007 1 mention
Whitney, Edgar R. ?-1973 1 mention
Whitney, Elma A. 21 mentions
Whitney, Marion W. 1916-2012 1 mention
Whitney, Mary Kay (née Malchow) 1959-2018 1 mention
Whitney, Roberta 4 mentions
Whitney, Sue 1 mention
Whittaker, Aurie 3 mentions
Whittaker, Bruce 1967-2021 1 mention
Whittaker, Donna Mae 1934-2023 1 mention
Whittaker, Gabrielle 1 mention
Whittaker, Nellie (née Rutan) 1880-1953 4 mentions
Whittaker, Walter E. 1931-1971 1 mention
Whitted, Ben 1 mention
Whittekind, Brady 1 mention
Whittemore, Kelsey 1 mention
Whittier, John Greenleaf 1 mention
Whittington, Patricia A. 1934-2018 1 mention
Whittington, William (Bill) E. 1934-2020 1 mention
Wible, Mary Ellen (née Coogan) 1965-2024 1 mention
Wick, Bessie Martha (née Thompson) 1904-1969 1 mention
Wick, Reuben Burdette 1908-1953 4 mentions
Wickerham, Donald Sharpe 1902-1978 7 mentions
Wickham, Bill 1 mention
Wickham, Ellen 1 mention
Wickham, Kirstin 1 mention
Wickline, Donald ?-1974 1 mention
Wickline, Lawrence (Newt) Newton 1937-2019 1 mention
Wickline, Lawrence Scott 1963-2008 1 mention
Wickline, Ruth B. 1916-2010 1 mention
Wickstrom, Carol 2 mentions
Wickstrom, Harry W. 1928-2020 1 mention
Widder, Kyle 1 mention
Widman Neese, Alissa 3 mentions
Widner, Jack 1 mention
Wiechel, John F. 2 mentions
Wiechel, Pat 1 mention
Wiederman, Kenneth 3 mentions
Wiegand, Christ Earl ?-1991 1 mention
Wiehe, Mrs. 1 mention
Wieland, Jack 2 mentions
Wielenski, Jenny 2 mentions
Wielezynski, Val 2 mentions
Wiemer, Cora ?-1947 2 mentions
Wienke, Phoebe 1 mention
Wierts, Clifford A. 1918-1966 1 mention
Wierts, Cornelius P 1882-1947 1 mention
Wierts, Helen Hamilton 1893-1978 1 mention
Wiese, Fred 6 mentions
Wiet, Abby 3 mentions
Wiet, Matthew 1 mention
Wiet, William 2 mentions
Wiewall, William Alexander 1936-1985 1 mention
Wiggins, Dianna K. 1 mention
Wiggins, Jenne ?-? 1 mention
Wight, Ben 5 mentions
