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26601 - 26700 of 28120 people | page 267 of 282
Name Lifespan Mentions
Wessel, Arthur J. 1915-1998 1 mention
Wessel, Marjorie 1917-2008 1 mention
Wesseling, Fran 1 mention
Wessels, Anthony 2 mentions
Wesson, Kaleb 1 mention
West infant ?-1952 1 mention
West infant ?-1952 1 mention
West, Carl J., Jr. 1 mention
West, Frances Jones 1901-1969 1 mention
West, Greg 1 mention
West, Gregory (Greg) 1950-2021 1 mention
West, James J. ?-1978 1 mention
West, Janice Dale 1925-2001 1 mention
West, Jared 1 mention
West, Kevin 12 mentions
West, Leona A. ?-1967 1 mention
West, Mildred A. ?-1993 1 mention
West, Patricia Ann 1936-2015 1 mention
West, Russell 1 mention
West, Sally K. 2 mentions
West, Tracy 1 mention
West, William Bert 1891-1968 1 mention
Westaway, David 1 mention
Westbrook infant ?-1982 1 mention
Westbrook, Aaron 1 mention
Westerman, Bill 13 mentions
Westerman, Virginia C. 1931-2019 1 mention
Westerviller, Mike 7 mentions
Westfall, Ian 1 mention
Westinghouse, Lori 4 mentions
Westlake, Sandra 1 mention
Weston, Dan 4 mentions
Weston, Elizabeth (Stella) (née Wellman) 1907-1977 2 mentions
Weston, J. Paul 1 mention
Weston, John Allen ?-1952 1 mention
Weston, Leonora ?-1949 1 mention
Weston, Patricia Ruth ?-2012 1 mention
Weston, Robert E. 1927-1992 2 mentions
Westrick infant ?-1984 1 mention
Wetherspoon, Jasmine 1 mention
Wetmore infant 1827-1827 1 mention
Wetmore, Clara R. 1880-1965 1 mention
Wetmore, Dorothy R. ?-1982 1 mention
Wetmore, Evertt M. 1859-1949 1 mention
Wetmore, Howard M. 1918-2002 1 mention
Wetmore, James M. 1825-1907 1 mention
Wetmore, Lorinda 1833-1911 1 mention
Wetmore, Rob 1 mention
Wetmore, Robert E. 1916-1970 1 mention
Wetterauer, Damon (Chip) Eugene, Jr. 1944-2012 3 mentions
Wetterauer, Gregory Lee, Jr. 1971-2010 1 mention
Wetteraur, Gregory (Tuck) Lee 1945-2019 5 mentions
Wetters, Linda Yvonne 1948-2022 3 mentions
Wetzel, Kim 2 mentions
Wetzel, Linda 1 mention
Wetzel, Max Lee ?-1995 11 mentions
Wetzel, Rich 1 mention
Wexner, David 1 mention
Wexner, Leslie (Les) H. 1937- 19 mentions
Weyand, Julie ?-1986 1 mention
Weyant, Karen 1 mention
Weyenberg, Judy 1 mention
Weygandt , Lauren 2 mentions
Weygandt, Brooks 1 mention
Whalen, Connor 1 mention
Whalen, Kelly 1 mention
Whalen, Sean 1 mention
Wharton, Edward J. 1865-1949 1 mention
Wharton, Sarah Hanley ?-1940 1 mention
Wharton, Thomas Kelah 1 mention
Wheat, Alex 3 mentions
Wheat, Ann 1 mention
Wheat, Jennifer 1 mention
Wheatley, Adrian 12 mentions
Wheatley, Alexander Foster 1919-1985 1 mention
Wheatley, Allie 2 mentions
Wheatley, John M. 1 mention
Wheatley, Lelonna Jean (née Coleman) 1955-2009 1 mention
Wheatley, Leona E. (née Sims) 1926-2008 1 mention
Wheatley, Shannon 10 mentions
Wheatley, Wayne A. 1952- 2 mentions
Wheaton, Andrew 3 mentions
Wheaton, Charles 1782-1861 1 mention
Wheaton, Heather 4 mentions
Wheaton, Job 1773-1860 1 mention
Wheaton, Maxwell W. ?-1980 1 mention
Wheaton, Peg 1 mention
Wheaton, Sallie B. 1782-1860 1 mention
Wheeler, Aaron 1 mention
Wheeler, Alice ?-1979 1 mention
Wheeler, Arthur ?-1986 1 mention
Wheeler, Deion 1 mention
Wheeler, Etta Lourraine 1928-2017 1 mention
Wheeler, Harold D. 1 mention
Wheeler, Heman 1804-1834 1 mention
Wheeler, Jay Allen 1911-2000 1 mention
Wheeler, Jess J. 1929-1993 1 mention
Wheeler, Karyn 3 mentions
Wheeler, Lafe ?-1972 1 mention
Wheeler, Marie E. (née Hocter) 1906-1995 1 mention
