James (Jim) Jasper Lorimer, 1926-2022

James (Jim) Jasper Lorimer  was born Thursday, October 7, 1926 in Bristol, Pennsylvania .

he died Thursday, November 24, 2022. his recorded age was 96.

he was a veteran  of the Navy and served in World War II.

James Lorimer served as mayor of Worthington from 1967 to 1979 and again following the death of Mayor Lawrence Braun in 1996 until Mayor James Friedt was appointed in December 1997.

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The Arnold Sports Festival's Worthington Roots

The Arnold Sports Festival will convene in Columbus this March. While most central Ohioans know of the international national fitness convention-- and, of course, its founder, Arnold Schwarzenegger-- they may not realize that Arnold has a strong tie to Worthington.


Remembering James Lorimer, Worthington Mayor and More

For 52 years, Jim Lorimer served as mayor, vice-mayor and city councilman of Worthington. Even more remarkable is that these are just a few of his many achievements. Our January exhibit is a tribute to Lorimer, who made a lasting impact on Worthington, Columbus and the sports world.

news item


Worthington News
Thursday, November 20, 1958
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, June 15, 1972
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, October 5, 1972
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, December 21, 1972
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Robert L. Spung (Author)
Mrs. Spung (Author)
Mary Lou Gosser (Author)
Philip W. Whitaker (Author)
Thursday, January 28, 1982
