James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016

James (Jim) Jay Keller  was born on an unknown date.

he died Tuesday, October 4, 2016. his recorded age was 71.

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news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Kay Keller (née Arndt) (Author)
Thursday, January 31, 1980
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
JoAnne B. Pavlovic, 1934-2017 (Author)
Wednesday, June 8, 1988
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
William (Bill) W. Fallon, 1927-2020 (Author)
Kay Keller (née Arndt) (Author)
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Harold Benson Jones, 1919-1999 (Author)
Juanita Viola Jones (née Reynolds), 1927-2019 (Author)
Wednesday, May 3, 1989
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Dr. Abramo Ottolenghi (Author)
Clark Ernest Loofbourrow, 1909-1993 (Author)
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Dr. Robert (Bob) Funk Chosy, 1934-2024 (Author)
Wednesday, August 9, 1989
news item

To the editor

Worthington News
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Kay Keller (née Arndt) (Author)
Paul J. Feldman (Author)
Sharon Wade (Author)
Marcy Capsel (Author)
Wednesday, December 6, 1989
news item

Dear Sir

Worthington News
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Kay Keller (née Arndt) (Author)
Wednesday, May 9, 1990
news item

They protest too much

Worthington Suburbia News (SNP)
James (Jim) Jay Keller, ?-2016 (Author)
Wednesday, March 24, 1993
news item


This Week Worthington News Thursday, October 16, 2014