Dr. George Harrison Bonnell, Jr., 1913-1997

Dr. George Harrison Bonnell, Jr.  was born Monday, September 22, 1913 in Jersey, Ohio .

he died Friday, March 7, 1997. his recorded age was 83.

he was a veteran .

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news item

New Officials

Worthington News
Thursday, November 15, 1951
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Frank J. McIntyre, 1907-1987 (Author)
Thursday, July 26, 1956
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Paul Redick Caruthers, 1890-1966 (Author)
John Rodefer (Author)
Dr. George Harrison Bonnell, Jr., 1913-1997 (Author)
John P. Coleman (Author)
Donald W. Whitehead (Author)
Thursday, November 2, 1961
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Kenneth W. Hamilton (Author)
B. Robert, Jr. (Author)
Chester Smith Hutchison, 1902-1985 (Author)
Dr. George Harrison Bonnell, Jr., 1913-1997 (Author)
Mrs. Jones (Author)
Thursday, October 31, 1963
news item

Letter to the editor

Worthington News
Mrs. Chakroff (Author)
Mrs. Simpson (Author)
Tuesday, July 14, 1970
news item

A Living Past

Worthington News
Wednesday, July 11, 1990
news item


Worthington Suburbia News (SNP)
Wednesday, March 19, 1997