news item W.H.S. Graduating Exercises to be Held Thursday May 31 Worthington News Thursday, May 17, 1934
news item Your Child and the School Worthington News Dr. Allen G. Ireland (Author) Thursday, August 16, 1934
news item Dr. Guy Smith is Speaker at Local P.T.A. Meeting Worthington News Thursday, February 13, 1936
news item Sharon Township Schools to Start Tuesday Sept. 8 Worthington News Thursday, September 3, 1936
news item School Bells Ring Out Again for Village and Sharon Pupils Worthington News Thursday, September 10, 1936
news item Urges Approval of New School Worthington News Warren S. Park (Author) Thursday, April 1, 1937
news item P.T.A. Closes Activities for Year With Annual Grade School Picnic Worthington News Thursday, June 3, 1937
news item Amateur Contest Draws Crowd of Over 600 People Worthington News Thursday, November 17, 1938
news item History of The Worthington Public Schools Worthington News Mary Alice Stein (Author) Thursday, November 24, 1938
news item What They Think of the New Grade School Building Worthington News Thursday, November 24, 1938
news item Half Way Mark Reached in Fund for Athletic Field Worthington News Thursday, February 9, 1939
news item Band Parent Group makes Plea for Suits Worthington News Worthington Band Parent Association (Author) Thursday, February 23, 1939
news item Local Girl Third in "Citizens" 2nd Anual Spelling Bee Worthington News Thursday, May 4, 1939
news item Local School now has Record of 926 Graduates in Past Fifty Nine Years Worthington News Josephine Ann Case (née Taylor), 1922-1989 (Author) Thursday, May 25, 1939
news item Asks for Transfer to Worthington School District Worthington News Thursday, August 10, 1939
news item Vernon Fluharty gets U.S. Embassy post at Bogata Worthington News Thursday, January 11, 1940
news item Worthington wins Franklin County B.B. Championship Worthington News Thursday, February 29, 1940