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Thursday, May 11, 1972

news item


Worthington News Thursday, May 11, 1972
news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
Hon. Beryl Louella Mitchell (née Hartsook), 1906-1990 (Author)
Hon. Shirley Putnam (Author)
Betty Weidman (Author)
Charles A. Jones, ?-1982 (Author)
Joan McLean (Author)
Thursday, May 11, 1972
news item

Ordinance No. 24-72

Worthington News
John P. Coleman (Author)
Thursday, May 11, 1972
news item

Ordinance No. 26-72

Worthington News
John P. Coleman (Author)
Thursday, May 11, 1972
news item

Ordinance No. 27-72

Worthington News
John P. Coleman (Author)
Thursday, May 11, 1972