
Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer’s here, and it’s time for picnics, swimming pools and a good old-fashioned game of baseball. What have Worthington’s residents done to beat (or embrace) the hot weather through the decades? Have a look at our July exhibit to find out!

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The Women of Worthington

What better way to celebrate Women's History Month than by recognizing the remarkable achievements of the women of Worthington?


Celebrating Black History in Worthington

February is Black History Month, and Worthington Memory is joining the celebration by highlighting several of the city's Black residents through the decades.


Weathering Worthington's Seasons

Brr! With winter upon us in earnest, this month's exhibit focuses on scenes of dramatic January weather from Worthington's past-- from snowstorms to floods.


Before the days of orange barrels

Road construction slowing you down? Take a spin through our November exhibit for a look at Worthington's major thoroughfares before they were paved.


Worthington: the home of Choplets and much more

Did you know that Worthington was once home to Worthington Foods, the world’s largest producer of vegetarian meat substitutes? Step inside our October exhibit for a look at the history of this innovative company.


Score a touchdown with Worthington football

With the crisp, cool days of autumn just around the corner, it’s time to gather up your banners and seat cushions and head down to the stadium to cheer on your favorite football team: Worthington!


The Harding Hospital

For over 80 years, Worthington was home to a residential psychiatric treatment program. 2016 marks the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Harding Hospital; learn more by browsing our August exhibit.


Slow News Day

Even before the days of 24-hour news cycles, editors sometimes had to stretch their imaginations to find topics on which to report. As the sleepy days of summer set in, kick back and relax with this gallery from Worthington’s past newspapers of odd, silly or just plain funny headlines.


Celebrate Fathers with Worthington Memory

Happy Father's Day from Worthington Memory! From founding fathers to local beloved dads, this month's exhibit honors fathers from throughout Worthington's 200-year history.


A Spring Fling

Prom season is upon us! Take a stroll through this month's exhibit to view the finest fashions from decades past.


Happy Birthday, Northwest Library!

This month, Northwest Library is 20 years-old! Step inside our April exhibit to look back on two decades of library services.


Worthington in the Great Depression

From 1929 to 1939, the Western world was plunged into the deepest economic downturn in modern history. Our March exhibit delves into how Worthington weathered this grim decade.


A Tale of Two Cities

Since 1999, Worthington has been sister cities with Sayama, Japan. Our February exhibit celebrates this cross-cultural friendship.


Popular Sport Hooks Locals

For a sport with such a glamorous, larger-than-life reputation, basketball sprang from remarkably humble beginnings. Our January exhibit takes you on a spin through decades of Worthington's basketball history.


Autumn in Worthington Treats the Senses

With 90-degree days still heating up September, October often feels like the true start of autumn. The green leaves that have decorated your neighborhood for the past five months gradually change to red, orange and yellow, and the temperature dips enough to bundle up in jackets and scarves.


Back-to-School Days

Although the dog days of summer are going strong, school bells will be ringing again soon! Since 1804, when its founders established the first school in a one-room log building on the Village Green, Worthington has been home to a distinguished educational history.


Summer Fun

Summer’s here, and it’s time for picnics, swimming pools and a good old-fashioned game of baseball. What have Worthington’s residents done to beat (or embrace) the hot weather through the decades? Have a look at our July exhibit to find out!
