September 4, 2017

As Worthington's mayor for 14 years, Harvey Minton made a lasting impact on the community and its residents. Our September exhibit is a tribute to his many contributions to Worthington.
As mayor from 1999 to 2013, Minton was well-known throughout the city and beyond for his dedication to the role. Along with his wife, Jane, he appeared at countless ribbon-cutting ceremonies and events and officiated at hundreds of weddings. He presided at nearly every Worthington Mayor's Court during his tenure, and helped stop an effort to abolish mayor's courts throughout Ohio.
According to a "ThisWeek Worthington News" article from February 11, 2014, the mayoral accomplishment of which Minton was most proud was the creation of a program for young people who appeared at the mayor’s court on drug or alcohol charges. The program allowed them to enter an educational and counseling program that erased their charges upon completion.
But his time as mayor was far from being his only accomplishment. Minton also served in the United States Air Force, and was active in numerous community groups such as the Rotary Club and the Worthington International Friendship Association (WIFA). As part of his work with WIFA, Minton traveled as part of delegations to Worthington's sister city of Sayama, Japan and hosted Japanese visitors in his home. Prior to his retirement, he owned the law firm Harvey Minton and Associates in Worthington.
The people of Worthington will miss Harvey Minton, who died on August 16, 2017, but his legacy will live on in his contributions to so many aspects of our community. Through his public service and kind and generous spirit, he has made an indelible impact here.