William (bc) (Bill) Collins was born Tuesday, December 14, 1943 in Columbus, Ohio .
he died Tuesday, December 29, 2020. his recorded age was 77.
he was a veteran of the Army.
William (bc) Collins age 77 of Columbus, Ohio. Died on a full moon December 29, 2020 Waterson High School graduate. Attended Columbus College of Art and Design. The sole owner of a sign business in Columbus for 25 years. An artist, he painted, displayed (at times juried exhibitions) And sold works of art he was a loving husband, father, grandfather, son, uncle, cousin and friend who will be missed. He is survived by his wife Johneen Griffin. Two sons Keith(Eva) Collins of Sierra Vista, AZ and Kyle (Ashley) Collins of Hilliard, Ohio. He has 3 siblings: Bud Collins (Louise Dekin) of Columbus, Jim Collins of Bonita Springs, Florida and Jeanne Montgomery (Bob) of Westfield, Indiana and Victoria (Tori) and Juliette Collins his granddaughters. He was preceded in death by his parents Oliver H. Collins and Ellen Marguerite (Finelli).
A private family gathering will take place at Rutherford Corbin Funeral home. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Sierra Club in bc’s name. bc's 1992 25'x 6' painting in oil on linen of the downtown Columbus skyline is part of the Ohio Arts Councils permanent collection on the 33rd floor of the Rhodes Tower. bc's family has also donated two paintings to the Jewish History Center, namely the Central Market and the Lazarus building. Each of these paintings are on linen and are 12.5' by 6'.
Worthingtonmemory.org has more information on BC and his art.
https://digital-collections.columbuslibrary.org/digital/search/searchter... by johneen griffin/field/all/mode/all/conn/and