Erla Winnifred Chrystal was born on an unknown date.
she died Friday, October 9, 2009. her recorded age was 91.
CHRYSTAL Erla Winnifred Strom Chrystal, formerly of Boardman, (daughter of Pearl Simon and Charles Benjamin Strom), Youngstown, Columbus, Hilliard, and Worthington, Oh., peacefully passed away with dignity and grace October 7, 2009, with loving family at her side. She had recently moved to Frasier Meadows Manor, Boulder, Colo., from East Bay Manor, Barrington, R.I., where she'd resided since '05. In addition to being an avid OSU Buckeye fan, Erla was an active gardener, antiques collector, and homemaker, with earlier involvement as a singer, piano player, and photographer. Community volunteerism throughout her life included organizations such as: The American Red Cross Gray Lady Service; Belles for Mental Health; Columbus Museum of Art/Beaux Arts; Worthington Arts Council, Historical Society & Women's Clubs; First Community Church/Couples Circle; Franklin County 4H; The All American Youth Horse Show; Bluebirds/Campfire Girls; and March of Dimes. Family, friends, bridge, and golfing at Brookside, Delaware, and York Country Clubs were passions she pridefully shared alongside her late husband, Jack Chrystal, with whom she traveled throughout his tenures as a WWII and Korea US Naval Aviator and his affiliations with the American Chain Association, Jeffrey Mfg. Co. and R. S. Fling & Partners. "Earl the Pearl" leaves behind her three children and their spouses, Sharyn Lynn Chrystal Vogel and Dr. Robert A. Vogel of Annapolis, Md., John Michael and Deborah DeCapita Chrystal of Belhaven, N.C., Cathleen Chrystal DeCoster and David C. DeCoster of Boulder, Colo. Her four grandchildren include Elizabeth DiFalco Helgans, Boulder, Colo., Abbey Elizabeth Chrystal, Los Alamos, N.M., Dylan Cole DeCoster, Seattle, Wash. and Jacklyn Chrystal DeCoster, Boulder, Colo. Delaney Grace, Charlotte Elizabeth, and Jasper Elias Helgans are Erla's great- grandchildren who fondly called her "Great Grams". The family plans her "Early Bird" interment for May 15, 2010, at Flint Cemetery (aka Gardner Cemetery), Worthington, Oh. For more info. contact: Tax deductible donations in Erla Chrystal's honor can be made via check or PayPal to: The Orphan Foundation of America/Scholarship Fund, 21351 Gentry Drive, Suite 130, Sterling, Va. 20166, Phone 571-203-0270.