news item Ameritech promises new age of communication Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Lawrence (Larry) Houck (Author) Wednesday, February 9, 1994
news item Fiber optics: Cities meet to deal with technology This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, May 1, 1995
news item Columbus moves forward with fiber optic system Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Dan Williamson (Author) Wednesday, September 20, 1995
news item City council reluctant to OK Dublin's request Worthington News (SNP) Scott Takac (Author) Wednesday, January 5, 2005
news item Council delays Dublin's plans to run system through city This Week in Worthington Dan Eaton (Author) Thursday, January 6, 2005
news item Council approves deal involving right-of-way Worthington News (SNP) Scott Takac (Author) Wednesday, January 26, 2005
news item Third Frontier to connect Ohio schools Worthington News (SNP) Garth Bishop (Author) Wednesday, March 22, 2006