news item Nearly 300 at Mount Air on Labor Day: beauty contest won by Miss Norma Seiller Worthington News Thursday, September 5, 1929
news item Jaycees Serve 1600 Cups of Coffee or Cola on Labor Day Worthington News Thursday, September 13, 1962
news item Arts events a way of creating community, traditions Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Judy Chalker (Author) Wednesday, August 13, 1997
news item District looks to get bond campaign rolling Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Susan Brohman (Author) Wednesday, September 3, 1997
news item Workers should remain focus of Labor Day Worthington News (SNP) Cliff Wiltshire (Author) Wednesday, September 6, 2000
news item St. Michael's prepares for 26th annual Labor Day festival Worthington News (SNP) Amanda Washel (Author) Wednesday, August 21, 2002
news item Volunteers keep coming back to St. Michael's Worthington News (SNP) Amanda Washel (Author) Wednesday, August 28, 2002
news item Event helps raise awareness of culture This Week in Worthington Chris Bournea (Author) Thursday, August 28, 2003
news item Labor Day Festival will feature games, food and live music Worthington News (SNP) Scott Takac (Author) Wednesday, September 1, 2004
news item Interactive activities are new at Labor Day Festival This Week in Worthington Chris Bournea (Author) Thursday, September 2, 2004
news item Festivities at St. Michael's Worthington News (SNP) Ann Tormet (Author) Wednesday, September 8, 2004
news item In 1910, labor was still the focus of Labor Day This Week in Worthington Ed Lentz (Author) Thursday, September 2, 2010
news item Labor Day preceded big vote in 1912 This Week Worthington News Ed Lentz (Author) Thursday, September 6, 2012
news item Labor Day typically hot, happy celebration This Week Worthington News Ed Lentz (Author) Thursday, September 5, 2013