Thomas Richard Carlisle, 1926-1991

Thomas Richard Carlisle  was born Wednesday, March 31, 1926.

he died Friday, May 24, 1991. his recorded age was 65.

he was a veteran  of the Marine Corps and served in World War II.

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Worthington News
Thursday, June 24, 1943
news item


Worthington News Thursday, December 16, 1943
news item


Worthington News Thursday, December 23, 1943
news item

Extends Thanks

Worthington News
Elton W. Carlisle, Sr., 1894-1956 (Author)
Pauline M. Carlisle (née Carhart), 1895-1960 (Author)
Thursday, February 24, 1944
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, January 4, 1951