news item "Piggy" comes up to look over weather conditions Worthington News Thursday, February 7, 1935
news item Dr. Gerald B. Reed to Open Veterinary Office in Village Worthington News Thursday, June 24, 1954
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Charles H. Schildknecht (Author) Eleanor Townsend Evans (Author) Thursday, October 10, 1957
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News W. Barney Vavroch (Author) Phil Georgenson (Author) Thursday, August 2, 1962
news item City should promote spaying, neutering Worthington News Jane Baggs (Author) Wednesday, April 22, 1992
news item Adventurous boa constrictor sneaks out to meet neighbors Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, August 19, 1992
news item People and their pets; Why do folks like to have animals around? Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Gaylon Vickers (Author) Wednesday, May 5, 1993
news item First-grade class sponsors pet Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, May 5, 1993
news item Leapin' lizards! Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Todd Anello (Author) Wednesday, July 20, 1994
news item We're responsible for most of the pet population problem Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) William (Bill) A. McNutt, 1925-2014 (Author) Wednesday, November 30, 1994
news item Pets aren't for all Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Rex C. Riggs (Author) Wednesday, December 14, 1994
news item Paws for reflection Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Tim Norman (Author) Wednesday, October 18, 1995
news item Be a responsible pet owner Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Ray Hamby (Author) Wednesday, May 14, 1997
news item Thanks for your support Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Sharon Marshall (Author) Wednesday, June 18, 1997
news item New Crazy Cat Lady joins neighborhood Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Cara McCoy (Author) Wednesday, May 20, 1998
news item Yes, your cat needs to wear a rabies tag this year Worthington News (SNP) Dawn Bookmyer (Author) Wednesday, March 8, 2000
news item Animal care summer class gets rave reviews from kids Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, July 4, 2001
news item Med Vet adds radiation therapy to its tools for fighting cancer in pets Worthington News (SNP) Amanda Washel (Author) Wednesday, March 12, 2003
news item Puppy power! Pet therapy soothing to senior citizens This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, March 20, 2003
news item Another kind of senior also benefits This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, March 20, 2003
news item Cat Welfare is bracing for influx of kitties This Week in Worthington Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Thursday, March 27, 2003
news item Pets in peace: animal cemeteries afford owners a place to grieve This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Kim Riesbeck (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item A bit mystery shrouds of old burial ground This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Kim Riesbeck (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item Visit to her dog's grave provides Pataskala woman some solace This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Kim Riesbeck (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item A bit of mystery shrouds origins of old burial ground This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) David Rea (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item Hustler publisher's parakeet among cemetery's animals This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item Clandestine burial took place in Columbus This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item Graveyard off Chambers Road near Grandview Heights unknown to many This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) David Rea (Author) Thursday, September 4, 2003
news item Ferret fine following surgery, but operation was hard on me This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, September 18, 2003
news item Sitters encounter the unusual, the unlikely and the unexpected This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, May 13, 2004
news item Professional pet sitters This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, May 13, 2004
news item Convulsion conclusion can convulse veterinarians This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, August 26, 2004
news item Ferret Buckeye Bash This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, August 26, 2004
news item Agencies gather adoptable cats and dogs for holiday shoppers Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Wednesday, December 1, 2004
news item Reynoldsburg student lobbies state for pet fund This Week in Worthington Tricia Symansic (Author) Thursday, February 10, 2005
news item Artist's efforts help local dog rescue operations This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, June 30, 2005
news item Furry and feathered friends often fearful of fireworks This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, June 30, 2005
news item Allergies, love of animals lead people to bunnies This Week in Worthington Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, July 14, 2005
news item Beloved black lab inspires artist's 'Rainbow Bridge' Worthington News (SNP) Brittiny Dunlap (Author) Wednesday, August 10, 2005
news item Pooch Parade official thanks all who helped This Week in Worthington Kelly Jo Marks (Author) Thursday, August 18, 2005
news item County hires vet to spay, neuter at shelter Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Wray (Author) Wednesday, November 30, 2005
news item Live pets for holiday gifts discouraged This Week in Worthington Megan Cermak (Author) Thursday, March 30, 2006
news item Pet trusts now a part of Ohio Revised Code Worthington News (SNP) Julie Mills (Author) Wednesday, January 10, 2007
news item Duke's owner: Fido, Fluffy better off with natural food Worthington News (SNP) Jennifer Noblit (Author) Wednesday, April 18, 2007
news item District's animal policy tweaked to include support dogs, class pets Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, July 25, 2007
news item Paws Park gives dogs, cats, owners place to remember Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, October 3, 2007
news item Rabbits' cuteness wears off, volunteers warn Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, March 19, 2008
news item Even in death, beloved pet's lessons resonate Worthington News (SNP) Beverly J. Graves (Author) Wednesday, October 8, 2008
news item No-kill animal shelter struggling as cats return, cages fill Worthington News (SNP) Laura Englehart (Author) Wednesday, July 7, 2010
news item Snakes make excellent pets, don't deserve statewide ban Worthington News (SNP) Nicole D'Avignon (Author) Wednesday, December 7, 2011
news item Founder expects rabbit shelter to be hopping This Week Worthington News Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, August 1, 2013
news item Vet's holistic care gaining popularity This Week Worthington News Kevin Parks (Author) Joshua A. Bickel (Photographer) Thursday, October 15, 2015
news item Library lines: Picking a pet requires preparation This Week Worthington News Hillary Kline (Author) Thursday, November 19, 2015
news item Drive focuses on feeding man's best friends This Week Worthington News Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, November 10, 2016
news item Dogs have their day at the pool This Week Worthington News Lorrie Cecil (Photographer) Thursday, September 14, 2017
news item Amendment push targets puppy mills This Week Worthington News Andrew King (Author) Thursday, September 28, 2017
news item Store pets often are more than mascots This Week Worthington News Sarah Sole (Author) Thursday, July 19, 2018
news item HB 263: New law opens patios to pooches This Week Worthington News Marla K. Kuhlman (Author) Thursday, September 27, 2018
news item Pet FBI still turning up leads 20 years after founding This Week Worthington News Kevin Parks (Author) Thursday, October 11, 2018
news item Firefighters rescue trapped dog This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, August 29, 2019
news item New Preppy Pet pampers pooches This Week Worthington News Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Thursday, September 19, 2019
news item Working from home: Furry friends might offset stress This Week Worthington News Sarah Sole (Author) Thursday, May 7, 2020
news item Canine-centered fundraiser: Pandemic turns WAG! Fest into Metro Parks walks This Week Worthington News A. Kevin Corvo (Author) Thursday, September 3, 2020