Topic: military awards

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news item


Worthington News
Thursday, February 5, 1948
news item

In Armed Forces

Worthington News
Mrs. Van Buskirk (Author)
Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Race (née Brown), 1915-2005 (Author)
Thursday, March 28, 1968
news item

In Armed Forces

Worthington News
Mrs. Van Buskirk (Author)
Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Race (née Brown), 1915-2005 (Author)
Thursday, October 10, 1968
news item

In Armed Forces

Worthington News
Mrs. Van Buskirk (Author)
Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Race (née Brown), 1915-2005 (Author)
Thursday, June 5, 1969
news item

In armed forces

Worthington News
Mrs. Van Buskirk (Author)
Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Race (née Brown), 1915-2005 (Author)
Thursday, January 8, 1970
news item

In Armed Forces

Worthington News
Mrs. Van Buskirk (Author)
Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Race (née Brown), 1915-2005 (Author)
Thursday, December 24, 1970
news item


Worthington News Thursday, January 10, 1980
news item


Worthington News Thursday, September 9, 1982