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Newsletter of the Worthington Republican Women is text. Its dimensions are 12.5 in. x 8.5 in..
It was created in August 1980.
Worthington Republican Women is the Contributor.
This newsletter of the Worthington Republican Women is representative of the club's annual Phantom Coffee Hour, which began in 1969. A newsletter is sent out and dues are collected by mail in lieu of the club's monthly meeting. This newsletter also reviews local candidates running for office in November, 1980.
It covers the topics women's clubs, newsletters, clubs and politics.
It features the organization Worthington Republican Women.
It covers the city Worthington.
You can find the original at Worthington Republican Women.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg2000.
The Worthington Memory identification code is wrw0005.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on May 15, 2003. It was last updated November 17, 2017.