Cardinal Chronicle


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Cardinal Chronicle from the collections of the Worthington Historical Society (WHS) may be used for educational purposes as long as it is not altered in any way and proper credit is given: "Courtesy of the Worthington Historical Society, Worthington, OH." Prior written permission of the WHS is required for any other use of Cardinal Chronicle. Contact WHS at to request permission.

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Cardinal Chronicle: Vol. III, No. 1 is text, with genre newspaper. Its dimensions are 17.63 in. x 11.25 in. It is 6 pages long.

It was created on Friday, October 4, 1963.

Worthington Schools is the Creator. Worthington Historical Society is the Contributor.

This edition of "The Chronicle," the Worthington High School student newsletter, covers several topics, including exchange student programs, new faculty at Worthington High School, Homecoming festivities, student activites and sports. This issue also contains an article with two interviews concerning race relations in the Columbus area on page 2. The article, titled "White and Negro Express Opinions," asks a former Worthington resident, who is white, and a current Black student at the high school, a series of questions including several about whether Worthington has a "racial problem," discrimination, and segregation.

The front page has a number of articles including several about foreign exchange programs:
"Marti Miller Spends Year in Ecuador Through Church" has an accompanying photograph of the junior. "New Faces From Foreign Lands" introduces exchange students Cecilia "Cissy" Ayala from Quinto, Ecuador, Marta Picado from San Jose, Costa Rica and Alfred Hsu from Tai-Wan, China. The three are pictured on the steps of the school. "Jeff Returns From Brazil" details the experience of Jeff Lowman's summer in Brazil through the American Field Service.

"Youth Can Change Accident Rate" announces the election of Worthington student Jeff Hayes, who is pictured, as the president of the National Student Safety Association. "Ten Join WHS Faculty - Their Inside Story" begins introducing two of the ten new staff members, Mr. Haney and Mr. Mainwaring is described as "amiable, jovial draft-dodger" and "an adversed contradistinctionist [sic]". Other headlines on the front page include "Safety Council Wins Plaque," "Cure Found For Homecoming Rush," "What is the Student Council?" and a letter "Principal Welcomes New Students" written by Earl W. Lane.

On page two, one finds the article, "White and Negro Express Opinions," "Guidance Offered to Seniors," "Censorship: How Much is Too Much?" and a letter to the editor.

Page three details student group activities including "Yearbook Staff Starts Work" that features a photo of Carol Brunhoefer, Barbara Loudin, Jan Lamp, Karen Frey, "Presidents Tell of Plans" including an image of the four class presidents, Ira Porterfield, Alan McLaughlin, Jon Benner, and Hobby Harbrecht. There is also a list of current class officers.

Page four headlines include "Freshman Have Opinions" and "Lella Baker Goes Abroad" about the senior's Europe trip over the summer. "Where Are They?" detail wshere former Worthington High School teachers are now. "Dear Gabby" also appears on this page and is an advice column.

On the fifth page, columns include "On Campus" with a spotlight on The Ohio State University, "Medicine - Career of the Month," PTA news, and grads talking about their college experience.

The last page features sports including "X-Country Begins New Season", "On the Sidelines" talking about football, "Boys Intramurals," "Freshmen and Reserve Football," "News about Cheerleaders," "Cards Begin a Promising Year" and "Girls Sports Begin."

You can find the original at Worthington Historical Society.

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The Worthington Historical Society identification code is 2022.43.91.

The Worthington Memory identification code is whs1328.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on March 17, 2023. It was last updated March 22, 2023.