Worthington High School Graduating Class


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Worthington High School Graduating Class is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 4.6 in. x 8.7 in..

It was created in 1957.

Worthington High School is the Creator.

Graduates of the 1957 class of Worthington High School are pictured. Members of the class were:
Joan Armstrong, Carol Bach, Donna Black, Alan Baasch, Jackie Beany, M. Bennington, Patty Branch, Jewell Briese, Paul Brown, Larry Bussey, Barry Campbell, Ann Clymer, Bob Beckwith, Pete Beckwith, Donna Beers, Bill Brown , Terry Campbell, John Chacy, Pat Cheeseman, Jim Clary, Gary Cummons, Connie Demos, Fred Denlinger, Heather Campbell, Jim Downs, Dave Coakley, Connie Crooker, Charlou Dambach, Bruce Davidson, Linda Durley, Carolyn Engler, Chuck Evans, Marilyn Gardner, Carol Ellis, Carmen Enz, Roger Faranay, Alan Fisher, Judy Florid, Judy Green, Carl Hagger, Dave Hopton, Sharon Horn, Dick Hubman, Herschel Jennings, Dick Hopper, Jerry Horner, Dave Goers, Susan Hartwell, Janet Hickey, Tom Hindes, Lynne Hindman, Bob Harch, Phil Horch, Fred Jeffers, Nancy Jennings, Joe Kelly, Ron Kennedy, Joe Knight, G. Lalendorf, Joan Lamberton, Caroline Leach, Nancy Lee, Linda Leedy, Kathy Lehman, Joyce Liebert, Ken Latham, Jack Lutz, Sue McDaniel, Louanna McIntyre, Jean McLaughlin, Bob MacVicar, Mal Mikkelsen, Tom Mitchell, Dick Moore, Pauline Lyon, Alden McGee, Loretta Marshall, Pat Meyer, Ellen Miller, Thelma Murdock, Rjorn Nilson, Dave Patchett, Noretta Peace, Lyla Neff, Carol Niemer, Bob Parkinson, Duane Pelkey, Nancy Potts, Andris Priede, Bill Pullin, Sally Purcell, Marlene Quelette, Orrin Rose, Don Reise, C. Scatterday, L. Shirtzinger, Judy Seifert, Lois Sells, Joyce Melvin, Judie Smith, Karen Sohner, Richard Stimmel, Judy Reed, Michael Sheets, Carolyn Sicilian, Artie Snowden, Janice Rosen, Joan Schaer, Dick Steward, Price Stiffler, Susan Tangeman, Paula Taylor, Rosemary Strange, Mike Swain, Norman Taylor, Nancy Thompson, Bob Wallace, Terry Wallace, Anita Woltz, Mary Thomas, Nancy Ward, William Warren, Emily Weese, Karol Wentz, Joyce Weldon, Jim White, Willard Whitten, Jim Williams, and Yvonne Winter.

It covers the topic students.

It features the organization Thomas Worthington High School.

It covers the city Worthington.

The original is in a private collection.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.

The Worthington Memory identification code is wcd0102.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on May 3, 2004. It was last updated November 14, 2017.