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Worthington High School Graduating Class is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 8 in. x 10 in..
It was created in 1950.
Worthington Schools is the Creator.
The graduates of Worthington High School in 1950 were William Walker Amick, Graig Wayne Anderson, Jr., Norma Jean Bachelor, Ritchie Kathleen Baldwin, Patricia Darlene Bartley, Robert Goode Buell, Barbara Anne Cadwell, David Guybert Cahoon, Marjorie H. Carrico, Thomas W. Carskadon, Jr., Doris Irene Chesser, John Milton Condit, Carl Gene Cox, Howard A. Cox, Jean Paul Daum, Joan Marilyn Daumler, Paul H. Davison, Jack W. Epley, Donald J. Feathers, Lawrence P. Fields, Michael Charles Freeman, Marion Moody Gable, Jr., E. Clinton Griggs, Jr., Robert Allen Gooby, Wallace T. Hall, Martha Ellen Hickman, Jack D. Herritt, Beverly Ann Horch, James Lawrence Huber, Marjorie Hughes, Dwight Hurd, Judith Mary Hutchinson, Virginia Ann Hutchison, Marcie Lou Jacobs, Mervin Jaycox, Mary Helen Johnson, Monica Joeann Johnston, JoAnn Kallenbaugh, Mary Louise Leach, Harold Richard Longshore, Suzanne Markey, Jacqueline June Marshall, Dolores M. Mattison, Sally Anne McCord, Richard J. Moreton McKibben, Marye Joanne McPherson, Jean Ann McQuilkin, Sue Ann Mick, Lester K. Moench, Jr., Corinne Jane Muncie, Frederic Thornley Norton, Ernestine Parker, Ernest B. Parker, Dolores Venitia Post, Frederick W. Scior, Andrew Maute Spieker, Richard Allen Stokes, Charles William Thomas, Laura Mae Thompson, Phyllis Anne Thompson, Harry N. Todd, Jim Stanley Trippet, Sue Frances Trotter, Edward T. Vollrath, Beverly T. Witchey, Henry Lawrence Wolf, Carol Jean Wright and Robert E. Wright.
It covers the topic students.
It features the organization Thomas Worthington High School.
It covers the city Worthington.
You can find the original at Worthington Schools.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Memory identification code is wsa0008.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on March 5, 2003. It was last updated November 17, 2017.