Interior of Worthington Foods Plant


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Interior of Worthington Foods Plant is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 8 in. x 10 in..

It was created in 1960.

Worthington Foods is the Creator. Worthington Better Living Foundation is the Contributor.

This is a compressor for the production of frozen foods at the Worthington Foods plant on Proprietors Road. The man on the left is Bernath (B.J.) Knecht, former Chief Engineer of Worthington Foods. Frozen foods were introduced into the Worthington Foods product line in the 1950s. The company was the first to offer frozen meat analog foods.

The innovative technique of spinning soy fiber, developed by scientist and consultant to Worthington Foods, Robert Boyer led to the addition of new products which had a texture similar to meat (White Chick, Beeflike, Prosage®, Stripples® and Holiday Roast). These new products did not can well and developing the line as frozen foods brought a new challenge to the company. Trucks equipped to deliver frozen foods had to be purchased and some stores needed freezers, which were supplied by Worthington Foods.

It covers the topic business.

It features the organization Worthington Foods.

It covers the city Worthington.

You can find the original at Worthington Better Living Foundation.

This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.

The Worthington Memory identification code is wbl0022.

This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on November 7, 2003. It was last updated November 14, 2017.