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Country Market at the Ox Roast is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 4.5 in x 5.0 in..
It was created on Saturday, May 21, 1977.
Activity Club of Thomas Worthington High School is the Creator.
Members of the Activity Club are pictured volunteering their time at the club's "Dear Old Treasure Sale" which took place at the Country Market held in conjunction with the annual Ox Roast on the grounds of Worthington High School, May 21, 1977. Over 40 community groups set up tables and tents on the front lawn of the high school where the giant flea market was held, proceeds of which benefited the community organizations.
In 1977, the Ox Roast was in it's 25th year, organized by the Cardinal Boosters and Worthington High School PTA as a fundraiser for high school programs. They served up traditional meals of roast beef, baked beans, cole slaw, potato chips, and fruit pie, all for the price of $1.75. Free delivery was offered for the first time to senior citizens in the community. In addition to the Ox Roast and Country Market, there were games and a "sport dance" held in the school gymnasium.
It covers the topics Ox Roast, flea markets, parents' and teachers' associations, women's clubs and clubs.
It covers the city Worthington.
You can find the original at Activity Club of Thomas Worthington High School.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Memory identification code is twa0063.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on January 20, 2006. It was last updated November 25, 2024.