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Worthington Village Model is a model, with genre student work.
It was created in 2003.
Wilson Hill Elementary School is the Contributor.
Three classes of fifth graders at Wilson Hill Elementary School constructed the model depicted here for a Worthington Bicentennial project called "Two Centuries of Growth and Change: The Worthington Community Buildings". All of the fifth grade students worked in small groups of 3 to 5 and researched a particular building that once stood or still remains in Worthington. Students spent time every week for months to create miniature models of the buildings and then create the village, complete with working street cars that represent the interurban which once provided light rail transporation on Route 23. Students then wrote reports about each structure and compiled them into a book, including photographs of the model.
It covers the topics buildings, elementary schools and centennial celebrations.
It covers the city Worthington.
You can find the original at Wilson Hill Elementary School.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Memory identification code is whe0001.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on May 19, 2003. It was last updated November 17, 2017.