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"If Walls Could Talk" is a model, with genre photograph.
It was created in 2003.
Granby Elementary School is the Contributor.
During Worthington's Bicentennial year Granby Elementary students participated in a two-part Bicentennial project, "A Village Called Worthington/If Walls Could Talk". The students learned about the changing landscape of old Worthington from 1803 to 2003 as they studied architecture, people and modes of transportation. The second phase of the project, called "If Walls Could Talk" involved each grade level, first through sixth. Students in each grade researched the history and architecture of selected buildings in Old Worthington and created a large scale 3-D replica of each landmark. Parents were invited to attend an open house where students dressed in period costume and answered questions about the historical development of their buildings. Families strolled the halls learning about Worthington history. Fourth grade students are shown with a model of Dr. Longnecker's Office Building.
It covers the topics students, buildings, elementary schools and centennial celebrations.
It covers the cities Worthington and Columbus.
You can find the original at Granby Elementary School.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Memory identification code is ges0021_004.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on January 14, 2004. It was last updated October 24, 2017.