Goldie Marie Nocker was born on an unknown date.
she died Tuesday, April 20, 1971. her recorded age was 71.
her remains can be found at
Walnut Grove Cemetery
47 - section
D - space
#2 east
(view map)
Arrangements were made by
Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home. The burial took place
on Friday, April 23, 1971.
Contact Walnut Grove and Flint Cemeteries for more information.
Goldie Marie Nocker, age 71, Tuesday at her apartment. Senior Citizen complex. Preceded in death by daughter; Judy. Survived by daughter and son-in-law, Phyllis and John D. Gillivan. Nephew; 5 grandchildren and 1 great grand child. Private graveside service 1;30 p.m. Friday in Walnut Grove Cemetery. Former member of First Community Church, Worthington Women's Club, Motion Picture Council, Aurora Circle, House Mothers Organization. Most recently at OSU. Arrangement by Rutherford-Corbin Funeral Home, 515 High Street, Worthington, 885-4006.