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Worthington News Building from the collections of the Worthington Historical Society (WHS) may be used for educational purposes as long as it is not altered in any way and proper credit is given: "Courtesy of the Worthington Historical Society, Worthington, OH." Prior written permission of the WHS is required for any other use of Worthington News Building. Contact WHS at to request permission.
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Worthington News Building is a picture, with genre photograph and historic buildings. Its dimensions are 3 in. x 3 in..
It was created in 1966.
Worthington Historical Society is the Contributor.
This photograph shows the Worthington News Building around 1966. The first issue of the newspaper was printed March 12th, 1925, and at that time editor Leonard Insley ran the venture from his home at 671 Hartford St. A short time later, a building was erected at the rear of the property for the production of the paper. This image reflects a later expansion that allowed the office to move from the Insley residence to the building. The Worthington News was managed and edited by the Insley family until 1989. The building has again been reconfigured, with the original building still standing in the center. It is now known as 666 High Street and is home to Insley Printing, operated by grandson, Paul Insley.
It covers the topics business, buildings and newspapers.
It features the people Paul Robert Insley and Leonard Insley, 1882-1952.
It features the organization The Worthington News.
It covers the city Worthington. It covers the area Olentangy Highlands.
You can find the original at Worthington Historical Society.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Historical Society identification code is 2015.013.05.
The Worthington Memory identification code is whs1131.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on August 29, 2020. It was last updated September 2, 2020.