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Youth Group Goodrich Cemetery Project is a picture, with genre photograph. Its dimensions are 5 in. x 7 in..
It was created in June 2005.
Linworth Historical Society is the Creator.
Members of the Linworth United Methodist Church youth group, Extreme Impact worked to unearth gravestones at the Goodrich Cemetery in June 2005. The pioneer cemetery was discovered in the spring of 2005 on the east side of Old Olentangy River Road in Sharon Township. This photograph shows the unearthing of gravestones in preparation for restoring them to upright positions. Extreme Team members were Seth Rowe, Kenzie Bruck, Skippy Magill, Matt Haviland, Jim Thompson (Heritage Committee Chairman), J. J. Hardin, Neil Byers, and Nathan Smith (Director of Youth Ministries at LUMC).
The cemetery was named after pioneer Ebenezer Goodrich (d. Oct. 13, 1846). Ebenezer was recruited by James Kilbourne to settle in Worthington as there was a need for skilled craftspersons. Ebenezer arrived in 1806, and became active in St. John's Episcopal Church, New England Lodge, and other community activities. He served in the War of 1812. He and his wife Betsy (Elizabeth), married in 1813, had four children. The large farmhouse to the south of the cemetery was built by his son, A. S. Goodrich. It was common practice for family members to be buried in cemeteries on the family's farm. At least twelve Goodrich descendants are buried in this plot.
It covers the topic cemeteries.
It features the organization Linworth United Methodist Church.
It covers the city Powell.
You can find the original at Linworth Historical Society.
This file was reformatted digital in the format video/jpeg.
The Worthington Memory identification code is lhs0005_002.
This metadata record was human prepared by Worthington Libraries on June 24, 2005. It was last updated October 24, 2017.