WHS alumni dinner for 30-Year Club

"WHS alumni dinner for 30-Year Club" was published on Thursday, June 18, 1970 in Worthington News, page 1-A. It includes a graphic.

It covers the location Worthington .

It covers the topic reunions. It features the people Helen B. Robinson, 1883-1980, Dr. George Tryon Harding III, 1904-1985, Abner Eli Pinney, 1903-1974, Alice V. Neds (née Smith), 1902-1995, Viola Belle Fields (née Anderson), 1900-1980, Helen S. Kleinke (née Dill), 1900-1975, Dorothy Hilda Jewett, 1902-1998, Laird Landis, 1900-1980 and James Walter Cummins, 1902-1974. It features the organizations Worthington High School Alumni Club and Thomas Worthington High School.

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Available at Worthington Libraries on microfilm roll number 1255914911. Contact library staff for more information.