"With our boys in the service of Uncle Sam" was published on Thursday, September 23, 1943 in Worthington News, page 1.
It covers the location Worthington .
It covers the topic World War II. It features the people Warren E. Insley, 1912-1964, John Wesley Chapin, 1919-2011, Jeremy (Jerry) Owen Pruden, 1925-1945, Philip (Phil) L. Snouffer, 1925-2008, Richard (Dick) D. Shuster, 1923-2007, Gilson Roger Thrall, 1908-1990, Elton W. Carlisle, Jr., 1917-2004 and Myron (Mike) Allen Firman, ?-2005.
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Available online via Ohio Memory's Worthington News Collection.
Available at Worthington Libraries on microfilm roll number Contact library staff for more information.