"O.P.A. announces drive for home front pledges" was published on Thursday, December 2, 1943 in Worthington News, page 1.
It covers the location Worthington .
It covers the topics World War II, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. It features the people Martha Jean McConagha (née Davids), 1914-1992, Marcella Doris Tarbutton (née Parmer), 1905-1995, Elizabeth Graves (née Fothergill), 1899-1974, Emma Louise McQuilkin (née Kruge), 1899-1980 and Dr. David M. Harrison, 1902-1973. It features the organization Camp Fire Inc..
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Available online via Ohio Memory's Worthington News Collection.
Available at Worthington Libraries on microfilm roll number Contact library staff for more information.