"With our boys in the service of Uncle Sam" was published on Thursday, November 18, 1943 in Worthington News, page 1.
It covers the location Worthington .
It covers the topic World War II. It features the people Murrin Roger Cellar, 1924-1964, Robert (Bob) Charles Fuller, 1923-1986, William (Billy) August Quelette, Sr., 1923-1989, Donald Wesley Russell, Sr., 1921-2010, Fred McMannus, Jr., 1923-2007, Kenneth Lee McMannus, Richard (Dick) E. Heil, 1924-1958, Kaye Warren Kessler, 1923-2021, Jack Matthew Kessler, 1918-2003, Edward Eyssen McCall, 1923-2000, Emerson Wood Coe, 1912-1989, William (Bill) F. Archer, 1921-2001, Ray Edison Scott, 1919-1972, Earl Mark Smith, 1922-1992, George Allen Davis, 1924-2014 and Ray E. Kennedy, 1925-2012.
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Available online via Ohio Memory's Worthington News Collection.
Available at Worthington Libraries on microfilm roll number Contact library staff for more information.