"Girls Track & Field: Seniors help Cards head in right direction" was published on Thursday, April 9, 2015 in This Week Worthington News, page A16. Scott Hennen is the Author. John Hulkenberg is the Photographer. It includes a graphic.
It covers the topics school sports and track and field. It features the people Andy Cox, Ashley Forte, Cassandra Laios, Ariel Rittenhouse, Hannah Moulton, Christina Nash, Annie Steele, Marcella Chavez, Anastasia Toth, Gia Eastman, Alexandra Vander Stouw, Jewel Henderson, Jessica Edmonds, Laura Hill, Emma Megla, Haruna Sasaki, Sydney Welter, Carly Coleman, Tomara Drane, Hana Sinno, Miranda Carver, Elizabeth Cockerham, Kiara Coleman, Kyra Griffith, Jazzlynn Gaiters, Curt'Lynn Garner and Charlotte Nkong. It features the organization Thomas Worthington High School.
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