news item An Act Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Henry Clay, Sr. (Author) William H. Crawford (Author) Friday, August 7, 1812
news item (Circular) Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr. (Author) Wednesday, February 24, 1813
news item Red Cross Chairman Expresses Appreciation of Work in Flood Worthington News A. B. Woodrum (Author) Thursday, June 17, 1937
news item Mrs. Shidaker Lists Additional Workers in Drive Worthington News Thursday, November 8, 1951
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Donald (Don) William Horch, 1916-1985 (Author) Thursday, October 11, 1956
news item WHS student body pays tribute to Mrs. R. T. Savage Worthington News Thursday, February 25, 1960
news item Volunteer workers being recruited for new March of Dimes Worthington News Thursday, January 19, 1961
news item Historical Society Drive Launched And Workers Named Worthington News Thursday, March 29, 1962
news item Editorials Worthington News Glenna Louvina Taylor (née Mendenhall), 1919-1969 (Author) Thursday, July 6, 1967
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Peggy Ann Egelhoff (née Smith) (Author) Mrs. Adams (Author) Mrs. Adams (Author) Thursday, November 7, 1968
news item Worthington Jaycee Wives help with community projects Worthington News Thursday, January 22, 1970
news item Letter to the editor Worthington News Dorothy (Annie) Ann Cupp, 1927-2021 (Author) Thursday, April 16, 1970
news item Volunteer caseworkers named to aid area service committee Worthington News Thursday, May 14, 1970
news item New officers and trustees of Franklin County Society for Crippled Children Worthington News Thursday, May 28, 1970
news item Perry PTA urges bigger volunteer program usage Worthington News Thursday, February 15, 1973
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Worthington Department of Parks and Recreation (Author) Thursday, November 13, 1980
news item No pay...but rewards are many Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, May 5, 1983
news item Letters to the editor Worthington News Marlene Price (Author) Scott Jorgensen (Author) Carolyn Stricklen (Author) Thursday, April 24, 1986
news item Volunteers recognized for activities with area seniors Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, December 23, 1987
news item Volunteers applauded at Fair Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, May 13, 1992
news item Schnulo named chamber's Volunteer of the Year Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Leigh Roessler (Author) Wednesday, January 20, 1993
news item TWHS aims to link students with volunteers Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Lisa K. Zellner (Author) Wednesday, September 8, 1993
news item Thank you school volunteers Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Childs Suzie (Author) Dritz Cheryl (Author) Wednesday, April 23, 1997
news item Service Club keeps giving Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Jessica Carvey (Author) Wednesday, May 7, 1997
news item 'Kick Butts' campaign brings stories to students Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Mike Shecket (Author) Wednesday, May 14, 1997
news item Tyler does deserve award Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Beth Clark (Author) Wednesday, May 21, 1997
news item Board commends efforts of Issue 19 volunteers Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Susan Brohman (Author) Wednesday, November 19, 1997
news item Volunteers still needed for Service Day May 2 This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, April 29, 1998
news item FCCS top volunteer reaps rewards in Christina's world This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, May 13, 1998