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news item

Letters to the Editor

Worthington News
George H. Shapter, Jr., 1923-2009 (Author)
Worthington Jaycees (Author)
Thursday, August 4, 1966
news item


Worthington News
Thursday, June 19, 1969
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Frank E. Poirier (Author)
Mrs. Minturn (Author)
Lester F. Jipp (Author)
Thursday, February 4, 1982
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Neil Walter (Author)
Marty Schwarz (Author)
Pat Rapp (Author)
Wednesday, May 27, 1987
news item

Letters to the editor

Worthington News
Dr. Mary Anne Oestreich, 1935-2020 (Author)
T. M. Aquila (Author)
Kathy Broom (Author)
Sharon Elaine Roop, 1943-2019 (Author)
Joan M. Yockel (Author)
Wednesday, January 6, 1988
news item


Worthington Suburbia News (SNP)
Wednesday, January 28, 1998