news item Business, ecologists call for diaper changes Worthington News Sam Allred (Author) Wednesday, August 15, 1990
news item Worthington, residents join to keep trees growing Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Christopher Bifani (Author) Wednesday, April 21, 1993
news item Woman pursues 'earth-friendly' lifestyle This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Monday, July 26, 1993
news item SAFE sends important message Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Jack Sutherland (Author) Wednesday, April 30, 1997
news item Students clean store to help save rain forest Worthington News (SNP) Carla Smith (Author) Wednesday, April 19, 2000
news item Presentations show just how much 'Granby Kids Care' Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, April 11, 2001
news item Giant flowers make use of caps, celebrate earth Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, April 28, 2004
news item Residents must warm to blue to shade city green Worthington News (SNP) Bill Melville (Author) Wednesday, April 27, 2005
news item Kilbourne group brings environmental issues to table Worthington News (SNP) Michelle Bollman (Author) Wednesday, May 10, 2006
news item Organic tacos support group's goal Worthington News (SNP) Mackenzie Hills (Author) Kayla Helkin (Author) Wednesday, May 31, 2006
news item Home Base to build efficient house Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, June 7, 2006
news item Green housing partners city, industry Worthington News (SNP) James Hilz (Author) Wednesday, September 6, 2006
news item Kilbourne class breaks ground with 10th 'green' house Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, November 15, 2006
news item Vampires, rain barrels await in '08 Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Tuesday, January 9, 2007
news item OSU students focus on Worthington Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, March 21, 2007
news item Are we sustainable? OSU class will let us know This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, March 22, 2007
news item School district goes green with energy-saving upgrades Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, April 4, 2007
news item Students, residents focus on improving life in city Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, April 25, 2007
news item Grad students, citizens share 'sustainable' ideas This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, April 26, 2007
news item OSU students' 'sustainable' findings presented to the city Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, June 13, 2007
news item Upgrading light bulbs can save money This Week in Worthington Janine L. Migden-Ostrander (Author) Thursday, June 28, 2007
news item Green is the new(insert just about any ol' word here) Worthington News (SNP) Lyndsey Teter (Author) Wednesday, July 25, 2007
news item City ready to ride 'green' tide Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, September 12, 2007
news item Students' plan for 'greener' city honored Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, September 12, 2007
news item System will judge city's buildings Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, October 3, 2007
news item Consider reducing baby emissions Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, October 24, 2007
news item 'Exciting' developments await Worthinngton in new year Worthington News (SNP) Meredith Somers (Author) Wednesday, January 2, 2008
news item Rich or poor, be sure to mind your manna Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, March 5, 2008
news item Columbus can plan greener than Netjets Worthington News (SNP) Lyndsey Teter (Author) Wednesday, March 19, 2008
news item District shouldn't have axed house-building program Worthington News (SNP) Eva Rhode (Author) Wednesday, May 7, 2008
news item Teacher, somer student come to bat for HomeB.A.S.E. Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, May 14, 2008
news item Bring on that big, green energy bill Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, March 4, 2009
news item Going green not just a fad Worthington News (SNP) Sara Elgin (Author) Wednesday, September 16, 2009
news item Let's try not to flush our forests this year Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, February 3, 2010
news item Sustainable features may be added to ARB code This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, February 18, 2010
news item Council responds to growing interest in 'green' initiatives Worthington News (SNP) Matt Gerish (Author) Wednesday, February 24, 2010
news item City moves forward with sustainability guidelines Worthington News (SNP) Bret Liebendorfer (Author) Wednesday, March 3, 2010
news item Garage sale will help Slate Hill go green Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, April 14, 2010
news item Car dealership's wind turbine generate power, attention Worthington News (SNP) Mark Dubovec (Author) Wednesday, October 27, 2010
news item Become a 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' hero Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, February 2, 2011
news item Green programs go beyond just Earth Day This Week in Worthington Hillary Kline (Author) Thursday, April 14, 2011
news item PreCycle group wins Emerald for bringing green to the streets This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, June 9, 2011
news item New program offers Columbus residents rain barrels at a discount This Week in Worthington Thursday, July 7, 2011
news item Shape up for Earth Day, Earth Year Worthington News (SNP) Marianne Gabel (Author) Wednesday, April 11, 2012
news item City events put focus on conservation Worthington News (SNP) Pamela Willis (Author) Wednesday, April 18, 2012
news item Volunteeers work to clear nature area of invasive growth This Week in Worthington Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, April 19, 2012
news item Home is city's first to be LEED certified This Week Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, July 19, 2012
news item Earth Day help needed at Moses Wright nature area This Week Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, April 17, 2014
news item Green on the Green festival returns May 9 This Week Worthington News Andrew King (Author) Thursday, May 7, 2015
news item Trivium project lands more help This Week Worthington News Andrew King (Author) Thursday, October 27, 2016
news item Green festival to focus on eco-friendly ideas This Week Worthington News Andrew King (Author) Thursday, April 27, 2017
news item Election 2018: Key issues face Worthington voters This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, November 1, 2018
news item Leaders looking for ways to make city more eco-friendly This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, December 13, 2018
news item Library Lines: Panel's topic will be climate change This Week Worthington News Coleman Mahler (Author) Thursday, April 25, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: SWACO works to cut down food, yard waste This Week Worthington News (Author) Thursday, May 9, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: Plan sets path to cut food waste in half by 2030 This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, June 27, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: SWACO's online tool answers recycling questions This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, July 11, 2019
news item City eyes sites for vehicle chargers This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, July 18, 2019
news item 97% opting for energy aggregation This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, July 18, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: 'Feet on the Street' initiative aims to educate This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, August 15, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: School recycling program teaches good habits This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, September 19, 2019
news item City moves forward with electric-vehicle charging stations This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, October 3, 2019
news item Worthington's costume swap encourages sustainability This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, October 3, 2019
news item Electric vehicles in Worthington: Charging stations funded This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, October 17, 2019
news item Girl Scouts clean up Worthington Hills' land lab This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, October 31, 2019
news item Just Thinking: Three simple rules help me save the Earth This Week Worthington News Margo Bartlett (Author) Thursday, November 14, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: Food waste is everyone's concern This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, November 14, 2019
news item Worthy Point of View: City working to protect environment resources This Week Worthington News Daniel Whited (Author) Thursday, November 21, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: SWACO striving for higher rate of waste diversion This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, December 12, 2019
news item From Waste to Resources: Three simple steps can reduce plastic pollution This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, January 9, 2020
news item Price set for electric-vehicle chargers This Week Worthington News Olivia Minnier (Author) Thursday, January 30, 2020
news item Five-month report: City - Energy aggregation paying off This Week Worthington News Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Thursday, March 12, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: Old cookware should be donated or recycled This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, March 12, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: Keeping workers safe is This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, April 23, 2020
news item Worthington council eyes options to control Rush Run erosion This Week Worthington News Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Thursday, April 23, 2020
news item MORPC Matters: Air pollution hard to see but even harder to ignore This Week Worthington News Brooke White (Author) Thursday, May 28, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: Recycling carts protect workers from virus, more This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, May 28, 2020
news item FLOW launches family-friendly project Worthington Spotlight Seth Crowell (Author) Monday, June 1, 2020
news item Waste to Resources: Businesses should consider sustainability when reopening This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, June 11, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: Former landfill soon will become solar energy farm This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, July 16, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: SWACO grants help fund waste-diversion programs This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, August 27, 2020
news item Officials pleased with response to EV stations Worthington Spotlight Erin Donnelly (Author) Tuesday, September 1, 2020
news item Worthington Partnership purses program to save energy Worthington Spotlight Meagan Dixon (Author) Tuesday, September 1, 2020
news item SWACO: Hazardous-waste drop-offs surge This Week Worthington News Dean Narciso (Author) Thursday, September 10, 2020
news item From Waste to Resources: Everyone can help divert waste from landfill This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, September 24, 2020
news item Worthington ARB: Resident appealing solar-panel rejection This Week Worthington News Gary Seman, Jr. (Author) Thursday, October 8, 2020
news item Discarded food has unseen costs This Week Worthington News Ty Marsh (Author) Thursday, October 22, 2020
news item MORPC Matters: Weatherization sustains more affordable housing This Week Worthington News Robert Williams (Author) Thursday, October 22, 2020
news item Nov. 9 Meeting: Council will review resident's solar-panel appeal This Week Worthington News Stephen Borgna (Author) Thursday, October 29, 2020
news item Library Lines: Electronics may be recycled for a good cause on Nov. 7 This Week Worthington News Hillary Kline (Author) Saturday, November 7, 2020
news item MORPC Matters: Sustainable, resilient future requires proactive planning This Week Worthington News Brandi Whetstone (Author) Thursday, November 19, 2020
news item Upcoming meeting: Council likely will review solar-panel appeal in December This Week Worthington News Stephen Borgna (Author) Thursday, November 26, 2020