news item Worthy of Attention Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Ezra Griswold, 1767-1822 (Author) Friday, August 28, 1812
news item Worthy of attention Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Ezra Griswold, 1767-1822 (Author) Friday, September 4, 1812
news item Dublin to celebrate: Road opening and home coming to be held there Saturday, Aug. 22nd Worthington News Thursday, August 20, 1925
news item Water question before Council: residents of South Granby Street present petition for macadam roadway Worthington News Thursday, March 11, 1926
news item Ordinance No. 0172 Worthington News Edward Lyon Robinson, 1857-1934 (Author) Thursday, June 10, 1926
news item State improving Old Granville Post Road: Worthington important point on new route from Newark to Urbana Worthington News Thursday, June 24, 1926
news item Ordinance No. 0176 Worthington News Edward Lyon Robinson, 1857-1934 (Author) Thursday, July 15, 1926
news item Ordinance No. 0175 Worthington News Edward Lyon Robinson, 1857-1934 (Author) Thursday, July 15, 1926
news item Ordinance No. 0178 Worthington News Edward Lyon Robinson, 1857-1934 (Author) Thursday, August 19, 1926
news item Council fires broadside in war on weeds in village Worthington News Thursday, August 19, 1926
news item Parking regulation amended at special meeting of council Worthington News Thursday, September 30, 1926
news item Legal Notice Ordinance No. 0191 Worthington News Edward Lyon Robinson, 1857-1934 (Author) Thursday, March 3, 1927
news item "Riverlea" Street Paving Is Ordered By Commissions Worthington News Thursday, March 10, 1927
news item Engineers Spend An Evening With The Village Council Worthington News Thursday, April 28, 1927
news item Contract For Paving Granby Street Let To Ed Reynolds Worthington News Thursday, June 9, 1927
news item Streets To Be Paved In Davis Estate Worthington News Frank Eugene Archer, Sr., 1882-1977 (Author) Thursday, August 25, 1927
news item Council accepts plat of new Clearview sub division: new development to provide thirty fine homesites: phone co. granted permission to lay underground wiring through village Worthington News Thursday, April 12, 1928
news item Resolution No. 0186. Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, April 12, 1928
news item Ordinance No. 0239 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, April 19, 1928
news item Ordinance No. 0238 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, April 19, 1928
news item Going right ahead Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, April 26, 1928
news item Council votes to hold public hearing to rename streets Worthington News Thursday, May 17, 1928
news item June council meeting proves busiest session of year Worthington News Thursday, June 7, 1928
news item Ordinance No. 0251 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, June 21, 1928
news item Ordinance No. 0252 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, July 5, 1928
news item Council holds special meet: bonds for street improvements sold Worthington News Thursday, July 19, 1928
news item Paving program at Minerva Park progressing rapidly Worthington News Thursday, August 2, 1928
news item Village council awards bids on street improvements: paving of Oxford St. and Clear View Ave. to proceed at once: final action taken on changing of street names in village Worthington News Thursday, August 2, 1928
news item We're doing well Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Stone surfacing started in Plat 2, Colonial Hills Worthington News Thursday, September 27, 1928
news item Laws we really need Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, November 15, 1928
news item Riverlea paving contracts let by county commissioners: twelve streets to be paved at cost of $124,183.79 Worthington News Thursday, February 14, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0294 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, July 11, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0295 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, July 11, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0309 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, July 18, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0308 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, July 18, 1929
news item Work on new lights started: "White Way" system to be extended to New England Avenue Worthington News Thursday, August 1, 1929
news item Last mud road in Perry Twp. thing of past: trustees realize ambitions of many years Worthington News Thursday, August 29, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0320 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, October 10, 1929
news item Ordinance No. 0321 Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, October 10, 1929
news item Paving completed at Riverlea: other improvements in and all homesites in readiness for building operations Worthington News Thursday, November 7, 1929