news item Ed Lakey's move to West Virignina puzzles man who found him the job Worthington News Debbie Sontag (Author) Thursday, November 29, 1984
news item School board names high school principal Worthington News Margaret Bednarski (Author) Thursday, May 23, 1985
news item Notes to a high school principal Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, July 11, 1985
news item Hefty hike handed Huzicko Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, August 1, 1985
news item Hoeffler launches year with dash of optimism Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Thursday, August 22, 1985
news item School classified workers leave OAPSE; form WCA Worthington News Thursday, September 19, 1985
news item Negotiations specialist hopeful of 'win-win, family-style' approach Worthington News Thursday, September 26, 1985
news item Allocating monies means busy time for school administrators, principals Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, January 16, 1986
news item Hoeffler optimistic about talks Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, February 13, 1986
news item Principal plans busy retirement Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, May 15, 1986
news item Gooding accepts Dublin position Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, July 3, 1986
news item Porta 'graduates' from Kilbourne, other schools get new principals Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Thursday, August 28, 1986
news item Fee stirs up controversy Worthington News Ann Mitchell (Author) Wednesday, February 18, 1987
news item Mock Trials salute founder Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, May 13, 1987
news item School board urged to adopt 'Healthy Lifestyles' program Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, July 15, 1987
news item School board approves 'Healthy Lifestyles' program Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, July 22, 1987
news item Superintendent appoints council Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, October 7, 1987
news item District administrators get pay raises and bonuses Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, December 23, 1987
news item Letters to the editor Worthington News Dr. Mary Anne Oestreich, 1935-2020 (Author) T. M. Aquila (Author) Kathy Broom (Author) Sharon Elaine Roop, 1943-2019 (Author) Joan M. Yockel (Author) Wednesday, January 6, 1988
news item Hoeffler to say in district Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, February 10, 1988
news item High school principal to be named Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, June 15, 1988
news item Board creates new administrative position Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, June 15, 1988
news item Raises and bonuses at board meeting tomorrow Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Friday, July 8, 1988
news item Consultant hired to study administrators' salaries Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, July 13, 1988
news item Fair-share fee could again be issue at teacher negotiations Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, July 20, 1988
news item Letters to the editor Worthington News Nancy L. Brugler (Author) Ms. Yusup (Author) Lee Ann Brunk (Author) Wednesday, July 27, 1988
news item Fair share fee debated at meeting Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, August 3, 1988
news item Teacher negotiation date set by board of education Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, August 17, 1988
news item Schools have record hiring year Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, September 14, 1988
news item Tentative agreement reached Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, September 28, 1988
news item Teachers get new contract Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, October 12, 1988
news item School contract talks continue Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, February 8, 1989
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Philip (Phil) Giessler (Author) Lester F. Jipp (Author) Jeni Grossman (Author) Wednesday, April 12, 1989
news item Focus groups study high schools Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, April 19, 1989
news item District administrators get raises and bonuses Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, July 26, 1989
news item Letters to the editor Worthington News John M. Chrystal (Author) James Joseph Mollica, 1925-2012 (Author) William C. Vey (Author) Wednesday, August 2, 1989
news item Aiming for Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, September 20, 1989
news item Fallon claims $7 million "hidden" Worthington News Susan Porter (Author) Wednesday, September 27, 1989
news item Aiming for Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, September 27, 1989
news item Aiming for Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, October 4, 1989
news item Aiming for Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, October 11, 1989
news item Aiming for Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, October 18, 1989
news item Aiming For Excellence Worthington News John W. Hoeffler (Author) Wednesday, October 25, 1989
news item Mousa replays gloomy 'what-if' scenario before supportive crowd Worthington News Doug Price (Author) Wednesday, October 24, 1990
news item Three Superintendent Finalists Named; Residents Can Meet The Next Week Worthington News Wednesday, February 20, 1991
news item AP director retires after quarter century with school district Worthington News Chris Maag (Author) Wednesday, April 10, 1991
news item Board okays early retirement Worthington News Deana Hershey (Author) Wednesday, May 8, 1991
news item Asbury: open forums can close communication gaps Worthington News Doug Price (Author) Wednesday, June 19, 1991
news item McCollins retires with 35 years of service to schools Worthington News Wednesday, June 26, 1991
news item Election heating up: Joe Hart is still undecided, but rest of school board and city council incumbents plan to seek re-election Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, August 7, 1991
news item Asbury urges ties between business, school Worthington News Todd McCollough (Author) Wednesday, August 21, 1991
news item Fallon blasts 'win/win' as contract talks go on Worthington News Candace (Candy) Brooks (Author) Wednesday, October 16, 1991
news item Driver quits after bus wreck probe; damage is heavy Worthington News Ray Berilla (Author) Wednesday, December 4, 1991
news item New contract calls for 4.2% raise for district's classified employees Worthington News Wednesday, December 25, 1991
news item Academic assistants are unsung assets Worthington News John Dickson (Author) Wednesday, March 4, 1992
news item Tears, cheers make counseling worth it; Schools' guidance counselors say job rewards outpace stress Worthington News This Week Lynn Carlson (Author) Monday, November 9, 1992
news item On the other side of the lunch line; Cafeteria workers do more than sling hash for Worthington kids Worthington News This Week Hillary Kline (Author) Monday, November 30, 1992
news item Worthington schools manager dies while at work Worthington News This Week Monday, December 14, 1992
news item Russian couple brings warmth, truth to Worthington Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Bob Irvin (Author) Wednesday, January 13, 1993
news item Doing time Worthington Suburbia News (SNP) Steve Jones (Author) Wednesday, February 3, 1993