news item Worthington High School orchestra plays at state fair Worthington News Thursday, September 9, 1926
news item Talented Worthington boys to appear in Columbus recital Worthington News Thursday, June 6, 1929
news item Youthful Artist Pleases Large Audience Here In Music Recital Worthington News Thursday, May 28, 1931
news item Santa Claus To Be Royally Entertained On Visit Here Worthington News Thursday, December 17, 1931
news item Worthington and Dublin Win In County Music Contest Worthington News Thursday, April 7, 1932
news item Amateur Contest Draws Crowd of Over 600 People Worthington News Thursday, November 17, 1938
news item Worthington Congratulates the Local Band Worthington News A Worthingtonian (Author) Thursday, October 12, 1939
news item W.H.S. Operetta Outstanding Production Worthington News Barbara Jayne Payne Dimond (née Tankovich), 1929-2007 (Author) Thursday, April 24, 1947
news item To Participate In Christmas Choral Program At Local School Worthington News Thursday, December 13, 1951
news item Variety Show to be Presented at Local School Tonight and Tomorrow Night, March 20, 21 Worthington News Thursday, March 20, 1952
news item PROCLAMATION Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Thursday, March 31, 1955
news item Board of Education's Report to Investors in Worthington School System Worthington News Thursday, November 5, 1959