news item Village Expresses Appreciation to Sesqui-Personnel Worthington News Thursday, April 15, 1954
news item 500 Persons Sign Petitions Urging Hills Annexation Worthington News Thursday, April 22, 1954
news item Gravel Pit Owners Denied Application for Operation Worthington News Thursday, April 29, 1954
news item Mayor Wing Files Petitions Seeking Vote on "Hills" Worthington News Thursday, July 15, 1954
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Harriet Elizabeth Wing (née Putman), 1894-1971 (Author) Olga H. Watkins, 1971-1971 (Author) Thursday, October 28, 1954
news item 1954 Village Tax Rate is $32.20; Township Rate Will Be $28.00 Worthington News Thursday, November 25, 1954
news item Colonial Hills Injunction Suit Dismissed by Judge Leach Worthington News Thursday, December 16, 1954
news item New Hearing Date Set by County on Local Annexation Worthington News Thursday, February 10, 1955
news item "Citizens League" Will be Organized in Worthington Worthington News Thursday, March 3, 1955
news item Sharon Neighbors Tactics Exposed Worthington News Concerned (Author) Thursday, April 21, 1955
news item Ordinance No. 1375 Worthington News George Virgil Wing, 1909-2002 (Author) Thursday, July 28, 1955
news item Chester Hutchison is Candidate for Mayor of Village Worthington News Thursday, July 28, 1955
news item Decision on Sharon Petitions Delayed Until October 26 Worthington News Thursday, September 29, 1955
news item Thirty Candidates File for Membership on Charter Commission Worthington News Thursday, September 29, 1955
news item New Petition Filed Asking Annexation to Worthington Worthington News Thursday, September 29, 1955
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Edward Marion Lantz, 1895-1968 (Author) Thursday, October 13, 1955
news item "Candidates Night" to be Wednesday October 26th Worthington News Thursday, October 20, 1955
news item Here's How Worthington Voted on Local Officials Worthington News Thursday, November 10, 1955
news item Local Annexation Decision Delayed to February 17 Worthington News Thursday, December 15, 1955
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News Helen A. Copeland (Author) A South Sharon Father (Author) Thursday, December 22, 1955
news item County Offices Sought by Several Local Residents Worthington News Thursday, February 16, 1956
news item Riverlea Group Seeks Injunction Against Village Worthington News Thursday, September 13, 1956