news item 19 Graduates in class of '25: Dr. E. B. Bryan, President of Ohio University, to deliver commencement address Worthington News Thursday, May 21, 1925
news item Class of '26: twenty eight receive diplomas at graduating exercises at high school auditorium Thursday night May 20 Worthington News Thursday, May 27, 1926
news item Members of the 1927 Graduating Class of The Worthington High School Worthington News Thursday, May 19, 1927
news item Seventeen to be graduated from local high school: Dr. Edmund Soper to give class address: Rev. C. S. Grauser to deliver Baccalaureate sermon at M. E. church Worthington News Sunday, May 12, 1929
news item Local graduate class hears sermon by Rev. C. S. Grauser Worthington News Thursday, May 23, 1929
news item Dr. E. D. Soper speaks here: delivers address at graduation exercises of 1929 class Worthington News Thursday, May 30, 1929
news item Local School Year Closes With Com'encement Exercises Worthington News Thursday, June 5, 1930
news item Molly Brown Graduates From Convent Of The Sacred Heart Worthington News Thursday, June 11, 1931
news item Worthington H. S. Graduates to Receive Diplomas To-night Worthington News Thursday, May 26, 1932
news item Local School Year Closes With Com'encement Exercises Worthington News Thursday, June 2, 1932
news item 25 Students Receive Diplomas at Sharon Township Commencement Worthington News Thursday, May 11, 1933
news item Township School Term Closes With Graduating Exercises Worthington News Thursday, May 3, 1934
news item W.H.S. Graduating Exercises to be Held Thursday May 31 Worthington News Thursday, May 17, 1934