news item A large crowd expected: for Fourth of July Celebration in Worthington Worthington News Thursday, June 25, 1925
news item A Glorious Fourth Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 23, 1927
news item Initial plans made for best and biggest Fourth of July celebration ever held here: American Legion, Fire Department and C. of C. to sponsor event Worthington News Thursday, May 31, 1928
news item The glorious Fourth Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 28, 1928
news item Plans now fully complete for big celebration of 4th here Worthington News Thursday, June 28, 1928
news item Worthington's celebration of Fourth brings thousands to witness day's festivities Worthington News Thursday, July 12, 1928
news item Card of appreciation Worthington News (Author) Lawrence Leasure (Author) Thursday, July 12, 1928
news item Worthington to stage big celebration on glorious 4th: event sponsored by Legion and Fire Department Worthington News Thursday, June 20, 1929
news item The glorious Fourth Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, June 27, 1929
news item Additional attractions secured for July 4 celebration Worthington News Thursday, June 27, 1929
news item Worthington ready for best and biggest 4th of July celebration ever staged here Worthington News Thursday, July 4, 1929
news item Legion To Raise Flag Pole At Camp Mary Orton July 4 Worthington News Thursday, July 3, 1930
news item How Worthington observed its first Independence Day Worthington News Thursday, July 1, 1943
news item Thousands Attend Colonial Hills July 4th Celebration Worthington News Thursday, July 7, 1949
news item July 4 Celebration at Colonial Hills to be Colorful Event Worthington News Thursday, July 2, 1953
news item Bits of Business Worthington News Albert (Al) Edward McNulty, 1920-2018 (Author) Thursday, July 1, 1954
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News George F. Sachsel, 1922-1979 (Author) Thursday, July 7, 1955
news item Plans Complete for July 4th Celebration at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 27, 1957
news item Local Fourth of July celebration scheduled at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 30, 1960
news item Winners of Kiddie Parade and Races on 4th announced Worthington News Thursday, July 7, 1960
news item Local Fourth of July Celebration Scheduled At Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 29, 1961
news item Annual Fourth of July Celebration Scheduled at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 28, 1962
news item Car Donated for July 4th Celebration at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 27, 1963
news item Annual Fourth of July Celebration Scheduled at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, June 27, 1963
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News William R. Mathias (Author) Thursday, September 12, 1963
news item The Grand and Glorious Worthington News Frank Gobel Corbin, 1909-1978 (Author) Thursday, July 2, 1964
news item Annual Fourth of July Celebration Scheduled at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, July 2, 1964
news item Annual Fourth of July Celebration Scheduled at Selby Park Worthington News Thursday, July 1, 1965
news item Selby Park Scene of July 4th Celebration Worthington News Patricia (Pat) Lois Briggs (née Arend), 1927-2021 (Author) Robert (Bob) M. Briggs (Author) Thursday, June 30, 1966
news item Almost 300 Brookside Youngsters Turn Out For July 4th Parade Worthington News Thursday, July 11, 1968
news item Letters to the Editor Worthington News A Celebration Supporter (Author) Thursday, July 10, 1969