news item Untitled [John Barr, Esq., candidate for the Sentate of Ohio] Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Friday, July 24, 1812
news item Untitled [Gen. Joseph Foos, candidate for Congress] Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Friday, July 24, 1812
news item For the Western Intelligencer Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Elector (Author) Friday, September 4, 1812
news item Fellow citizens of Ohio Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Jeremiah Morrow (Author) Friday, September 18, 1812
news item Camp Barr, Little Scioto, Sept. 15, 1812. Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Wednesday, September 30, 1812
news item Communicated Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Voter (Author) Wednesday, October 21, 1812
news item Worthington Western Intelligencer (Worthington) John Kilbourn, 1787-1833 (Author) Wednesday, October 28, 1812
news item Worthington, November 18, 1812 Western Intelligencer (Worthington) Wednesday, November 18, 1812
news item Mayor's Proclamation of Election. Public Opinion (Westerville) Henry Pinney Andrus, 1848-1895 (Author) Friday, March 15, 1889
news item Myers Y. Cooper speaks to fair visitors at Powell Worthington News Thursday, September 30, 1926
news item Myers Y. Cooper Makes Address at Republican Rally Here Worthington News Thursday, October 14, 1926
news item Capacity Audience Greets Candidates at C of C Meet Worthington News Thursday, October 14, 1926
news item Letter from Sharon Township Women's Republican Committee Worthington News Maude Day (née Archer), 1870-1960 (Author) Thursday, October 28, 1926
news item Final Election Returns Show Local Voters Favored Cooper in Close Race Worthington News Thursday, November 4, 1926
news item C. of C. Resumes Activities after 3 Months Vacation Worthington News Thursday, September 15, 1927
news item Candidates on Peoples Ticket Winners in Election Here Worthington News Thursday, November 10, 1927
news item Our Return Vote of Thanks Worthington News Stanley (Pete) Ulrich Robinson, Sr., 1891-1968 (Author) Thursday, November 10, 1927
news item Announces candidacy for nomination of U. S. Senator Worthington News Thursday, April 19, 1928
news item Worthington voters express decided Hoover preference Worthington News Thursday, April 26, 1928
news item Worthington women organize Marshall for Senate club Worthington News Thursday, July 5, 1928
news item Let's get to work Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, July 5, 1928
news item Mark S. Evans well qualified for office of Representative Worthington News Thursday, July 19, 1928
news item Republican rally at Hamilton home expected to draw large crowd to hear candidates Worthington News Thursday, August 2, 1928
news item Marshall-for-Senate club increases in membership here Worthington News Thursday, August 2, 1928
news item Nearly three hundred attend Republican rally held here Worthington News Thursday, August 9, 1928
news item Heaviest vote of all time polled here Augsut 14 in primary election Worthington News Thursday, August 16, 1928
news item County Fair at Hilliards to be held September 12, 13, 14: many new buildings and improvements on grounds: Myers L. Cooper and Martin L. Davey to speak Worthington News Thursday, September 6, 1928
news item Says Civil War veterans will vote for Hoover Worthington News George A. Pingree, 1842-1931 (Author) Thursday, October 11, 1928
news item Democrat candidates make tour to Dublin, Linworth and Worthington Worthington News Thursday, October 18, 1928
news item A record vote Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, November 1, 1928
news item Heavy vote expected to be cast here at coming election Worthington News Thursday, November 1, 1928
news item Splendid record of John C. Speaks merits his re-election Worthington News Thursday, November 1, 1928
news item It's all over now Worthington News Leonard Insley, 1882-1952 (Author) Thursday, November 8, 1928
news item Hoover receives more than 4 to 1 vote over Smith here: number of votes cast heaviest ever recorded Worthington News Thursday, November 8, 1928
news item Governor-elect to assume new office January 14, 1929 Worthington News Thursday, November 15, 1928
news item Candidates withdraw from ticket Worthington News Anthony (Tone) W. Tuller, 1864-1945 (Author) Thursday, September 19, 1929
news item Candidates withdraw from ticket Worthington News George W. Beaver, 1871-1949 (Author) Thursday, September 19, 1929
news item Heavy vote anticipated here when polls open Tuesday: S. U. Robinson to head village ticket: school bond issue and heated contests to be decided by battle of ballots Worthington News Thursday, October 31, 1929
news item $160,000 school bond issue loses at Tuesday's election: Helen R. Smith wins place on school board Worthington News Thursday, November 7, 1929
news item To the voters of Sharon Worthington News G. H. Moore (Author) Fred S. Schrock, 1891-1954 (Author) Thursday, November 7, 1929
news item Elected to office in trustees and clerks organization Worthington News Thursday, January 2, 1930
news item Fire chief reports 23 fires for 1929 to Village Council: Slate cleaned for New Year's business; Banquet tendered George Beaver, retiring member, preceding session Worthington News Thursday, January 2, 1930
news item Dr. Heywood chosen new President of Sharon School Bd: Geese and Hartsook to head boards in Washington and Perry townships Worthington News Thursday, January 16, 1930
news item David P. Anderson to be candidate for auditor: Has been resident of Worthington for several years Worthington News Thursday, February 20, 1930
news item R. E. Schaeffer seeks office of Recorder; Popular Clerk of Sharon Township and School Boadr to be candidate at August primaries Worthington News Thursday, February 20, 1930
news item Local Candidates Win By Large Margins In Primary Worthington News Thursday, August 14, 1930